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1.Sir Stuart says M& S will "sit it out" in Shanghai until the store turns a profit, which he expects within three years.斯图尔特爵士说,玛莎百货将在上海“耐心等到”该分店盈利。他预计将需要三年时间。

2.It used to be a given for many M& A watchers that diving straight into a deal could often be a mistake for a new CEO.许多并购观察人士习惯于想当然地认为,新CEO上台伊始就投身于一项交易往往是错误的。

3.Gavin MacDonald, European head of M& A at Morgan Stanley said the outlook for corporate deals still looked positive.摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文-麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业并购前景看上去仍然乐观。

4.Mike Riddell of M& G, one of Europe's biggest fund managers, called it "probably the most worrying day" of the crisis so far.欧洲最大基金管理公司之一M&G的迈克•里德尔(MikeRiddell)表示,这或许是危机爆发以来“最让人焦虑的一天”。

5."This was a break-out year for Indian M& A, " he said.“今年是印度并购活动爆发的一年,”他说道。

6.M& S will not give sales figures for the store but says that it is trading in the "upper quartile of our international business" .玛莎不愿披露该店销售数据,但表示,其营业额位列“玛莎国际业务的前25%”。

7.M& S is interested in a return to the French market in the near future, with the possibipty of a Paris store.玛莎百货有意在近期重返法国市场,可能在巴黎开一家门店。

8.For its first eight years in India, M& S, the mainstay of the British high street, paid pttle heed to this.在印度的头8年,作为英国大众消费市场支柱的玛莎百货几乎没有留意这一点。

9.M& S said the new store was due to open in 2013.玛莎百货表示,新店铺定于2013年开业。

10.But M& A is not all-powerful, it also has own bug, also existing a great deal of risk.但是,并购并不是万能的,它也有自己的缺陷,也存在大量的风险,一个失败的企业并购往往会给企业带来巨大的损失。