






1.Despite the allure of getting to psten to music all day, the job is not as easy as you might think, says Ms Simmons.西蒙斯表示,尽管能够整天听音乐,但这份工作可能并不像你想象的那么简单。

2.Simmons was one of the first celebrities to see the value of merchandise.西蒙斯是最先发现商品价值的名人之一。

3.Kindness is never wasted. If it has no effect on the recipient, at least it benefits the bestower. ~S. H.Simmons关怀从来不会被浪费。如果对接收者没有影响,起码对付出者是有帮助的。

4.Thirty-one-year-old Claire Simmons, of Notting Hill in London, is in a monogamous relationship with a dangerous partner: pizza.31岁的克莱尔·西蒙斯来自伦敦诺丁山,她一直对一个让她陷入危险的伙伴忠贞不二,这个伙伴就是披萨。

5.If at least one of you spends a lot of time sleeping on your side, if you go with an innerspring mattress I recommend a Simmons Beautyrest.假如你很多时候都只睡床的一边,如果你想买内装弹簧的床垫,我给你推荐SimmonsBeautyrest床垫。

6.But then the bottom fell out of the housing market and Simmons, with its large debt, stumbled.但是随着房产市场的崩溃,背负巨额债务的席梦思床品公司也跌倒了。

7.Simmons found a hospital that was using this new science and went to see the doctor there.西蒙斯发现这是一间医院采用这种新的科学去看了医生那里。

8.Pfizer's David Simmons even says that "generics are not the enemy of innovative pharma any longer" .辉瑞的大卫•西蒙斯(DavidSimmons)甚至说“仿制药不再是创新制药业的敌人”。

9.The morning of surgery, Simmons hands his wedding ring to his wife, Rhonda, for safekeeping.手术当天早晨,西蒙斯将他手上的结婚戒指交给了妻子朗达(Rhonda),让她妥善保管起来。

10.By early 2007, at the very top of the credit market bubble, THL took a bit more out of Simmons.2007年早期,处与信贷市场泡沫最顶端的THL也从席梦思床品公司得到了不少好处。