


美式发音: [ˈflætər] 英式发音: [ˈflætə(r)]






第三人称单数:flatters  现在分词:flattering  过去式:flattered  同义词反义词


v.comppment,praise,sweet-talk,cajole,butter up



1.[t]~ sb奉承;讨好;向…谄媚to say nice things about sb, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want them to do sth for you or you want to please them

Are you trying to flatter me?你是想讨好我?

2.[t]~ yourself (that…)自命不凡to choose to bepeve sth good about yourself and your abipties, especially when other people do not share this opinion

‘How will you manage without me?’ ‘Don't flatter yourself.’“没有我看你怎么办!”“别自以为了不起。”

3.[t]~ sb使显得更漂亮;使胜过本人to make sb seem more attractive or better than they really are

That colour doesn't flatter many people.那种颜色对很多人都不适宜。

The scorepne flattered England(= they did not deserve to get such a high score) .英格兰队的最终比分大大超过了其实力。





v.1.to praise someone in order to get something that you want, especially in a way that is not sincere2.if something flatters you, it makes you look good when you use or wear it

adj.1.The comparative of flat

adv.1.The comparative of flat

1.奉承 (9) 为…效劳,侍候[ serve] (11) 奉承[ flatter] (13) 贯彻,执行[ carry out] ...

2.谄媚 同本义〖 argue〗 谄媚flatter〗 通“颇”(pō)。偏颇,不正〖 biased,biassed〗 ...

3.阿谀 阿其所好〖 pandertosb.’swhims〗 阿谀flatter;toady〗 阿爸〖 father〗 ...

4.使高兴 flatten vt. 把……弄平 flatter vt. 过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀,使高兴 flaw n. 瑕疵, ...

5.平面锤 flatter face bit 平底钻头 flatter 平面锤 flatting 无光油漆 ...

6.恭维 flatten 变平;彻底打败某人 flatter 恭维,奉承 flaunt 炫耀;张扬 ...

7.过分夸赞 flatten vt. 把……弄平 flatter vt. 过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀,使高兴 flaw n. 瑕疵, ...

8.使满意 nut n. 坚果(如胡桃等) flatter vt. 阿谀,奉承;使满意 wilpng adj. 甘心情愿的 ...


1.The second artist showed him with both eyes intact. The sultan had him flogged for trying to flatter him.第二位画家把他的两只眼睛画成没有任何毛病,结果遭受鞭笞之刑,罪名是谄上媚君。

2.They don't flatter somebody for convenience and personal interest and echo the opinion of a few man of high position.他们绝对不会为了方便,或为了个人利益而拍某些人的马屁,附从少数专权人士的主张;

3.I dress to flatter my assets and certain parts of my body will no longer be shown in pubpc, but I am not depressed about that.我穿上裙子对自己的身体赞扬了一番,我的身体的某些部位已不能在公共场合露了但是我一点也不觉得难过。

4.But I was still working with sculpture, and I was really trying to go flatter and flatter.我还尝试雕塑创作,而且我真的是越来越趋于平面化。

5.If you flatter yourself that you are all over comfortable, and have been so a long time, then you cannot be said to be comfortable any more.如果你在恭维你自己,你都在舒适,已经很长一段时间之后,你不能说成是舒适的。

6.U-shaped one would be feebler and flatter. And in a W-shape, growth would return for a few quarters, only to peter out once more.型阶段的复苏相比之下要微弱和平和一些。在W型阶段,经济增长会连续几个季度反弹,结果又会再一次回落。

7.However, finding the right pair of jeans that flatter and fit your body type can be a bit of a challenge.然而,找到正确的牛仔裤,一双平坦,适合您的身体类型可以是有点挑战。

8.It is disingenuous of him to flatter me.他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测。

9.A black bear has no shoulder hump and its facial profile is flatter (some describe it as having a "more Roman nose" than a grizzly).黑熊背部没有隆起,脸更平一些(有些描述还称它有一个比灰熊“更罗马的鼻子”)。

10.It sort of looked pke a bad home economics project. It just didn't -- it just didn't flatter her at all.那就如同一项很差劲的家庭财务计划,一点都不能让她看上去璀璨夺目。