


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈdu] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈduː]



过去式:overdid  过去分词:overdone  第三人称单数:overdoes  现在分词:overdoing  同义词反义词

v.undercook,play down




1.~ sth做得过分;做得过火;夸张to do sth too much; to exaggerate sth

She really overdid the sympathy(= and so did not seem sincere) .她真是同情得过火了。

2.~ sth过多使用;滥用to use too much of sth

Don't overdo the salt in the food.菜里别放太多盐。

Use illustrations where appropriate but don't overdo it .要适当地使用插图,但不宜过多。

3.[usupass]~ sth烹煮(饭菜)时间过长to cook sth for too long

The fish was overdone and very dry.这鱼烧的时间太长,都干掉了。


v.1.to do, say, use, etc. more of something that you should; to cook something for too long

1.做得过分 overcome 克服 overdo 做得过分 overdraw 透支 ...

2.过度 overcunning 过分狡猾 overdo 过度 overdraw 夸大 ...

3.过火 overcrowding 人口过密的 overdo 做理过头,过火 overdraw 透支 ...

4.过头 过堂〖 appearincourttobetried〗 过头overdo〗 过屠门而大嚼〖 feedonillusions〗 ...

5.夸张 2--highway 高速公路 3--overdo 做的过分,夸张 4--good-looking 好看的,漂亮的;美貌的 ...

6.做理过头 overcrowding 人口过密的 overdo 做理过头,过火 overdraw 透支 ...

7.做过头 out of control“ 失去控制”。 overdo做过头”。 recognize“ 认出”。 ...


1.I just want you to understand that certain degree of sunbathe is good for health, but it might cause skin cancer when you overdo it.我只是想让你明白,适当的照晒对身体好,可过了量有可能导致皮肤癌。

2.MaJingPing trying to DuTieYing communication, I wish du and tough, but don't overdo do not get the essential effect.马靖平试图和杜铁英沟通,但愿杜不要过火严厉,却没有获得本质性效果。

3.But Chanos'worry is that the government will overdo it in trying to put a pd on the economy, especially the effort to curb construction.但柴诺斯的担心在于政府在给经济加盖是会矫枉过正,特别是控制建设方面的努力。

4.Mike: You know, even though that sounds pke a good idea, you shouldn't overdo it at the beginning.迈克:你知道,即使这听起来是个好主意,你也不应该在开始的时候做的太多。

5.So go ahead and have that cup of coffee or can of Coke. It's pkely to help your thinking. . . as long as you don't overdo it.因此,去冲杯咖啡或者喝罐可乐,它很可能会对你的思考有帮助,只要你不要喝得过多。

6.One of the big mistakes that I think people make is to do too much too soon. It is very important not to overdo it at any stage of the game.我认为人们常犯的一个大的错误就是在太短的时间里做得太多了。在这个比赛的任何一个阶段都不要过分是非常重要的原则。

7.Yes, that's all right, said the Chief, thoughtfully, but we must be careful not to overdo it.对啊,这很好,头目深思着说,但是我们要当心,不要做得太过分。

8.A: Don't overdo things, and try to stay in bed for a few days.不要过度劳累,尽量在床上休息几天。

9.Exceeding the gram "Mao" must become overdo and stare huge eyes seeing at her, is pke very shocked, "do not you even know Buffett? "迈克“嚯”得转过头,瞪大了眼睛看着她,像是很震惊,“你连巴菲特都不知道?”

10.Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks' worth of weight-pfting in three days and I hurt myself.好的。但不管你锻炼什么,当心不要过度。上次我举重时把两周的锻炼量放在三天内完成了,于是把自己弄伤了。