


美式发音: [sɪˈdeɪt] 英式发音: [sɪ'deɪt]




比较级:sedater  最高级:sedatest  第三人称单数:sedates  现在分词:sedating  过去式:sedated  反义词




1.镇定的;泰然的;不慌不忙的slow, calm and relaxed

We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace.我们跟在年轻人后面,步子稍慢一点。

2.宁静的;不热闹的quiet, especially in a way that lacks excitement

a sedate country town宁静的乡间小镇

3.庄重的;严肃的;不苟言笑的quiet and serious in a way that seems formal

a sedate, sober man一个严肃审慎的人


1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth给…服镇静剂to give sb drugs in order to make them calm and/or to make them sleep

Most of the patients are heavily sedated.多数病人服了大剂量镇静药。



adj.1.quiet or slow, and not pkely to shock people or attract attention

v.1.to give someone a sedative

1.水云间 圣可妮 SENKNI 水云间 SEDATE 歌莉娅 GOELIA ...

2.安静的 staid adj. 沉静的 43。 sedate adj. 安静的, 稳重的 44。 vacillate v. 犹豫不定 45。 ...

3.稳重的 staid adj. 沉静的 43。 sedate adj. 安静的, 稳重的 44。 vacillate v. 犹豫不定 45。 ...

4.镇静的 sedulous 聚精会神的,勤勉的 sedate 镇静的 sedative (药物)镇静的; ...

5.端庄 骄傲〖 arrogant;haughty〗 端庄;庄重〖 sedate;dignified〗 谨守,慎重〖 careful;prudent〗 ...

6.沉着的 3. calm 平静的,冷静的 sedate沉着的,安静的,严肃的 patient : 有耐心的, …

7.使镇静 appease 平息,安抚 sedate 使镇静,给付镇静剂(安静的) rite 典礼,仪式 ...


1.In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。

2.The first time I did this, I was really shocked by how much I could spend in a (quite sedate! ) afternoon and evening out.我第一次这样做的时候,就不禁为自己一个下午及晚上的支出而直打寒颤(虽然我在写这段话的时候极力保持镇静)。

3.It takes the traveler back to a sedate world when the journey was as entrancing as the destination.只有旅行的过程和旅行的目的地一样令人愉快时,游客们才算被带回了一个宁静的世界。

4.Others say women use language to assert their power in a culture that, at least in days gone by, asked them to be sedate and decorous.另一些语言学家说,在一个要求妇女举止庄重得体的文化环境下(至少在过去是这样),妇女用语言来宣示她们的权力。

5.But the size of each state's handout would be tied not to runaway medical inflation, but to the much more sedate general price index.但各州发放补助的大小并不与失控的医疗通胀挂钩,而是与更加稳定的基本物价水平挂钩。

6.In this government of my temper, I remained near a year, pved a very sedate retired pfe.差不多有一年的工夫,我压制着自己的性子,过着一种恬静优悠的生活。

7.Upon the most sedate consideration, I resolved that it was absolutely necessary to conceal it all.经过了最冷静的考虑之后,我认为把他完全隐藏起来是绝对必要的。

8.People who watch busy multimedia presentations remember less than those who take in information in a more sedate and focused manner.相比于以一种更加平静和中心明确的方式做的陈述报告,通过忙乱的多媒体做的更让人记不住。

9.It doesn't go fast, it's not ultra-luxurious and it won't take a corner at anything above a sedate speed, but that's not the point.它不会快,这不是超豪华的,它不会在任何一个角落里安静以上的速度,但这不是问题。

10.Belladonnine can be used to sedate, anesthetize, alleviate pain, repeve spasm, reduce gland secretion and dilate the pupils of the eyes.可用于镇静,麻醉,止痛,镇痉,减少腺体例如涎腺和汗腺的分泌,以及扩大瞳孔。