



美式发音: [ˈmæŋɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈmæŋɡəʊ]



复数:mangos  复数:mangoes  



n.1.a soft sweet tropical fruit with a red or green skin that is yellow inside and has a large hard seed in the middle

1.芒果 51 Strawberry jam 士多啤梨(草莓)果酱 51 Mangoes 芒果 50 Grapefruit juice 西柚汁 ...

2.杧果 ... 立国 to found a country 杧果 mangoes 木梨 cydonia vulgaris ...

3.鲜或干芒果 ... 30 08045010 GUAVAS 鲜或干番石榴 31 08045020 MANGOES 鲜或干芒果 32 08045030 MANGOSTEEN…

4.一颗以上的芒果 a mango 一颗芒果 mangoes 一颗以上的芒果 a watermelon 一颗西瓜 ...


1.How much are these mangoes?这些芒果多少钱?

2.Arriving at Mithila, she laid him on a sacred stone in a garden of mangoes , and told the garden goddesses to watch over him.到达米提拉城,海神把王子放在芒果园内的圣石上,请守园的众女神照看。

3.Nearby, an old man with a black beret selects two mangoes from the bottom of a battered cardboard box.离她不远处,一位头戴黑色贝雷帽的老人从一只压扁的纸箱底部捡了两只芒果。

4.She closes her eyes and leans back on the mangoes' bark.她闭上眼睛,倚靠在芒果树的枝干上。

5.They were all hungry, and the whatnot fruits looked pke depcious ripe mangoes .大家都很饿了,无名树的果实看起来象熟了的芒果那么美味。

6.The palm trees seemed to tower over the mangoes which were in bloom and haunted by the murmuring of wild geese.棕榈树好像凌驾于芒果树之上,它正在开花,嗡嗡的野蜜蜂不离左右。

7.Here it is served with creamy low-fat yogurt and summer berries, but it is just as tempting with juicy peaches, mangoes, or apricots.这里我们用它搭配低脂酸奶和夏天的浆果,不过它和多汁的桃子、芒果或李子也很搭哦!

8.Whatever the reason, we've added an essence of mangoes and peaches for plenty of fruity flavour, as well as a zesty hint of pineapple too.不管什么原因,我们已经添加了芒果和桃子的果喷鼻香雄厚的本质,以及淡淡的凤梨。

9.When one of the cow herds cast a pebble at the mangoes , two mangoes fell down. He ate them and enjoyed the depcious fruits.一个放牛人用石头去丢这些芒果,两个芒果从树上掉落下来,他把它们吃掉了,感觉味道非常好。

10.OK. You're mango group. The first group is mango group. Here's a plate of mangoes and a mango tree for you.好吧,你们就是芒果组。给你们一盘芒果和一棵芒果树。