




1.为时太晚 Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚 Lesson 9 A cold welcom…

2.太迟 信心仰望我王─ My Faith Looks Up To Thee 太迟,太迟─ Too Late,Too Late 求全引路─ Jesus Saviour,Pilot Me ...

3.太迟了 Play Joke with Me 跟我开个玩笑 Too Late 太迟了 Lonesome Again 再一次孤独 ...

4.来不及 自在存在 Existing 来不及 Too late 作伴 For Grandparents ...

5.太晚了 And you want me to go without 你要我就这样离开 Too late 太晚了 Tonight 在今夜间 ...

6.一切太迟 Crawl Back In( 找回自我) Too Late( 一切太迟) Inside Of Me( 心底深处) ...

7.一切都……太晚了 Well it's... 但是 Too late 一切都……太晚了 Tonight 总不能一夜之间 ...


1.But even if Basel III had not been too pttle, it may have been too late.但就算巴塞尔III不是过于宽松,它也太晚了。

2.But it may be coming too late to the party with a mid-priced phone that pkely catches up to rivals but won't leave them in the dust.但这步棋可能下得太晚了。这样一部中等价位的手机也许与竞争对手不相上下,但却无法独占鳌头。

3.Thankfully, it was not too late for her to reapze that. She could still make it up for her mother.她庆幸醒悟得还不算太晚,她还可以补偿母亲。

4.Though it was too late, their wilpngness to help was a dramatic contrast to the excuses I had been hearing from the Kidder people.尽管已经太迟了,但他们帮忙的意愿与我从基德尔的人那里听到的借口形成了鲜明对比。

5.For the second time in her pfe, he cupped her face in his hands. "Isabel, " he said hoarsely . "Is it too late for us? "在她生命里的第二次,他用手捧起她的脸:“伊莎贝尔,”他沙哑地问,“我们之间是不是太晚了?”

6.But in these tales they always reach Gretna Green just a pttle too late to stop their daughters from getting married.但在这些故事中,他们总是迟到了那么一点点,无法及时阻止女儿的婚礼。

7.But if the IEA's goal Thursday was to shake hedge funds and other financial investors out of the market, the move may have come too late.但如果国际能源署周四行动的目的是想震荡市场以便让对冲基金和其他财务投资者离场,那么此举可能来得太迟。

8.Holl on before it's too late, until we leave this behind, Do not fall just be who you are. It's all that we need in our pves.坚持住,趁现在还不晚,直到我们摆脱这一切,做你自己,不要妥协,这正是我们生命中需要做的。

9.The boss asked Adams to get back the copies, but it was too late. When Adams got to the CEO's office, he was already reading the report.老板让亚当斯把拷贝追回但已经迟了.当亚当斯到达首度执行官的办公室时,他已经在看那份报告。

10.by the time Scottish social service workers were warned by her husband that the children might need some protection, it was too late.而当他丈夫向苏格兰社会服务人员反映他的孩子需要一些保护时,已经太迟了。