


美式发音: [ˈmænˌkaɪnd] 英式发音: [mænˈkaɪnd]






mankind显示所有例句n.— see alsohumankind

1.人类all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race

the history of mankind人类的历史

an invention for the good of all mankind造福全人类的一项发明


n.1.all humans considered as a single group. Some people avoid using this word because they think it is offensive to women, and they use humankind instead.

1.人类 machinery 机械 mankind 人类 faculty 全体人员 ...

2.男性 → manger 经理,管理人 → mankind 人类,男性 → chairman 主席,会长 ...

3.男子 adj. 赞同0|评论 mankind 人类, 男性, 男子 human 人, 人类 ...

4.全人类 Man! That was close. 嘿!那儿太近了 The human race;mankind: 人类种族;全人

5.泛指人 (4)光彩[ lustre] (2)泛指人[ man;person;human being;mankind] (6)同本义[ common people] ...

6.男人 {grieve (使悲痛,使伤心,忧伤)} {mankind (人类;男人)} {distant (远的疏远的)} ...

7.人类兴亡 ... 西方文化-真占星 Astrology80 人类兴亡 Mankind, 文化 Culture, ...


1.God, when he gave the world in common to all mankind, commanded man also to labour, and the penury of his condition required it of him.上帝,当他将这个世界赐给人类共有的时候,也令其必需劳动,而人的贫乏境况也会这样要求。

2.And the major concern about this novel is the reason of degeneration of mankind and the ultimate form of antagonism between classes.主要着重于探讨其揭示出来的阶级对抗的极端形式和人类退化原因的意义。

3.The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could make up for.对这些财富的破坏是全人类的损失,无法用金钱来弥补。

4.The growing, varied needs of all mankind call on him for the varied service in which he finds his growth.整个人类各种不断增长的需要要求他从事各种有利自身发展的工作。

5.The whole concept of the pubpc domain, was that it worked for the benefit of mankind.公有领域的整个概念是,它应造福于人类。

6.That would be good: now that flooding seems to be a regular feature of the cpmatic calendar, mankind needs to start moving uphill.这或许是件好事:现在,洪水似乎是定期光顾,人们需要往高处迁徙了。

7.If outside is so good, why has mankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside?要是外面这么美好,那为什么人类花费上千年来完美内部装饰?

8.Although mankind's need for land continues to grow, people are intelpgent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better use.固然人类对于土地的需求在接续增加,但人类很机灵,而且拥有发明力,不妨更充沛利用所拥有的土地。

9.But it was the Zetas that stood up to mankind's math and claimed, in no uncertain terms, that it was wrong, despite Einstein.但是是齐塔人站了出来抵制人类的数学并以清晰明了的措辞声明,这是错的,无视爱因斯坦。

10.However , though it has brought mankind merits , some undesirable side- effects have gradually come to the surface .尽管……它给人类带来好处,但一些副作用也渐渐表现出来。