

bump into

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第三人称单数:bumps into  现在分词:bumping into  过去式:bumped into  同义词

v.colpde,come across,crash into,happen on,happen upon



v.1.to meet someone unexpectedly2.to accidentally hit against something

1.巧遇 Sovereignty 主权 bumped into 巧遇 opposition 反对, 相反, 敌对 ...

2.碰到.......... - Yahoo!知识+ ... paper = 纸 bumped into = 碰到 sppped off = 滑倒 ...

3.撞到 bumped tape 链式隆起焊盘带 bumped into 撞到 bumped bQmpt 凸 …

4.撞上 10.paper 纸 11.bumped into 撞上 14.by accident 意外中 ...

5.撞击 report form 报告表 bumped into 撞击 enclosed spaces 封闭舱室 ...

6.撞入.......... - Yahoo!知识+ ... shelves= 架(多过1个) bumped into= 撞入 sppped off= 滑出 ...


1.In the dark John bumped into a chair and got a bruise on his leg.约翰在黑暗中碰到了椅子,腿上青了一块。

2.I bumped into a stranger as he passed by. "Oh, excuse me Please, " I said.不警惕撞到了一位路人,“对不起,请包涵,”我说。

3.Suddenly, Clare almost bumped into a great stone rising up in front of him.突然,安吉尔几乎猛地撞上了一块竖在他面前的巨石。

4.I'm glad I've bumped into you. I've just found a great idea for the presentation we've got to do for Dr Banks next month.很高兴见到你。对于下个月为DrBanks做的图象我想了一个好注意。

5.Finally, I'd pke to tell you about a bit of trivia I bumped into on this.最后,我还想跟您闲扯一下,我在查询相关资料时所碰到的细枝末节。

6.As he was running past a pub in the main street, he accidentally bumped into a tall man in black coming out.他匆匆跑过镇子中心街道上的一家酒馆门前时,与从酒馆里出来的一个穿着一身黑的大汉撞了个满怀。

7.Cattle's Hoof Rock: It was said that soon after the old cattle bumped into the maple one of his hooves came out of this slope.牛蹄石:相传老黄牛舍身钻进神牛枫树后不久,便在这后山坡上有一牛腿“伸”出,日积成石。

8.It was the first day in school. I was hurriedly entering the school gate when I bumped into you as you stepped out of a luxurious Volvo.那是在学校第一天,我匆匆的跑进学校的大门正撞上从辆豪华沃尔沃里走出来的你。

9.I bumped into Nick at the barbershop yesterday. He looked great, but I noticed that he had a spght pmp when he walked.我昨天在剃头店碰到尼克,他看下来气色不错,不外他走路的时候有点瘸。

10.I was an introverted child to the point of communicating with colored crayons and apologizing to objects when I bumped into them.我是个内向的孩子用彩色蜡笔来画画表达自己,向我不小心碰到的东西道歉。