




1.寄信 ⑻ pve in apartments / large rooms 住在公寓里 ⑴ send letters 寄信 ⑵ psten to the radio 听收音机 ...

2.送信 (6)教英语 teach Engpsh )send letters 送信 (2)善良又美丽 kind and nice ...


1.A doubt of guests coming just as the wind knocks on bamboos; Hard to send letters since the wild geese don't fly to mountains.風才敲竹便疑客,雁不入山難寄書。

2.From next week, Virgin Media will send letters to thousands of households where music is either being downloaded or illegally shared.从下周起,维京传媒将向数以千计的非法下载或共享音乐的家庭发出通牒。

3.Lu Jin Dynasty, when an official in Luoyang has a dog raised the name "Yellow-eared" and can send letters to and from.晋代陆机在洛阳做官时养了一只爱犬取名“黄耳”,能往返传送书信。

4."Mr Huang can receive and send letters from his detention cell, " said one person.“黄先生能够从关押地点收发信件,”其中一人表示。

5.After your retirement in the future, if I still wanna send letters to you, where should I send to?将来你退役之后,如果我再想给你寄信,应该寄到哪里去呢?

6.With the creation of airmail, it's now cheap and quick to send letters to most parts of the world.随着航空邮件产生,现在在世界大多数地方寄信又快又便宜。

7.We would send letters to the prisoners, their famipes, and to the institutions where they were incarcerated.我们寄信给囚犯、他们的家属以及他们受押的机构。

8.We used to send letters. Now you trade text messages instantaneously.以前我们寄平信,现在你们交换即时短信。

9.Miss Whitehelps them to send letters once a week.怀特老师每个星期帮他们没人寄一封信。

10.I send letters to a couple of hundred Computer Science departments.我给全国200所学校的计算机系写信。