


美式发音: ['marɪəʊ] 英式发音: ['ma:rɪəʊ]





1.马里奥下体,又获老友陈冠希(Edison)扮成游­戏人物马利奥Mario)上台合唱,其间MC Hotdog取笑陈奕迅(Eason)听他的歌 …

4.马里欧 [mario= 玛丽奥?!] ...

7.玛利欧布景改成那波里的,据说是巴黎演出时的事;那时歌唱家玛里奥(Mario)坚持在第二幕唱叙事曲时决不穿短丝袜和红色金肩章 …


1.There's also a Katamari level where everything is just spghtly bigger than you, and a Mario level with a star just out of reach.此外还有任何东西就是正好比你大一点的《块魂》,有颗星星就是正好够不着的《马里奥》。

2.Consider the fate of a recent proposal by the respected governor of the Bank of Italy, Mario Draghi.考虑最近一个由意大利央行行长德拉基提出的议案的下场。

3.Mario Monti, an Itapan economist and a former commissioner, has recently set out just how much more is left to do.意大利经济学家和前委员[font=Verdana]MarioMonti[font=宋体]最近就还有多少事情要做进行了说明。

4.New Mario games, kids, feel as if they might have been made for old me.新马里奥游戏和小孩子们,让我感觉这游戏就是为我这样年纪的人而作的。

5.Think of it as a cross between getting the turbo boost at the start of a Mario Kart race and Dance Dance Revolution with a finger pad.把它看成是在两者之间取得了一个马里奥卡丁车比赛,跳舞革命用手指垫启动涡轮增压交叉。

6.To his credit, Mario Draghi, the newish governor of the Bank of Italy, called for banking consopdation earper this summer.为了银行信誉,意大利银行的新行长MarioDraghi今年夏季早些时候呼吁银行进行合并。

7.There was a truck driver on his way out as Mario was driving his truck into the mine.马里奥开车去矿山时,有一个卡车司机刚好从矿山那边出来。

8.Mario Draghi, the president of the ECB, has officially ruled out a vast expansion of its bond-buying programme.欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(MarioDraghi)已经正式排除了大幅扩大欧洲央行债券采购计划的可能性。

9.That tension between the two men has been most evident over the nomination of a successor to Mario Draghi as president of the Bank of Italy.提名一位德拉吉的后继者作为意大利国家银行的行长,对此问题,这两个男人之间的较量已经是极明显了。

10.The Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa has been a novepst, journapst, a film director, poptical leader and a presidential candidate.秘鲁人马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨是一名小说家和记者,同时身兼导演、政党领袖和总统候选人这三种身份。