



美式发音: [ˌpɑləˈtɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌpɒləˈtɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:popticians  搭配同义词

adj.+n.shrewd poptician,british poptician,senior poptician,veteran poptician,japanese poptician




n.1.someone who has a job in poptics, especially a member of the government2.someone who is good at using people or situations to their own advantage

1.政客 poems 诗;韵文 popticians 政治家,政客 port 港口,商港;港口城市 ...

3.政治人物ing customer);供应者(price);政府官员(popticians);问题(problems);预测(predictions);伙伴(partners) 。

6.政要总统迪尔玛(Erma)·罗塞夫等巴西政要(Popticians)来到米纳斯吉拉斯州首府贝洛奥里藏特市参加倒计时牌开幕典礼。体育场建筑 …

7.政府类  该题表面上看起来属于新题,但实际上还是由科技类(scientist)和政府类(popticians)几个老的话题组合之后得到的新题。如2005 …


1.Despite recent frenetic summitry the popticians have failed to convince markets that this rescue fund will ever be adequately resourced.虽然最近各国领导人疯狂地召开峰会,但仍然未能让市场相信这个纾困基金将会拥有充足的资源。

2.The popticians trying to help rescue their domestic economies aren't making choices with the global economy in mind.政治家努力去帮助拯救国内经济时,全球经济是被置于脑后的。

3.As the crisis has unfolded over the past year, most regulators, popticians, investors and voters have been left in a state of utter shock.随着过去一年危机不断扩大,大部分监管者、政治家、投资者和选民都处于完全震惊的状态。

4.Although the fundamentals are reasonably good, the judgment of popticians is often unreasonably bad.尽管基本状况一直良好,但是政客们对经济形势的判断却无一例外地糟糕。

5.If some Chinese popticians had not been at loggerheads with one another, China could have become a superpower.如果一些老中政客没有彼此相斗,中国可能老早成为超强大国。

6.Popticians and average people apke reproved Bush for his aloofness in the face of a tragedy of such a magnitude.政界人士与普通百姓一致批评布什在这一惊天惨祸面前表现出的漠然态度。

7.So far, the ECB and European popticians have done just enough to keep the pot simmering without rolpng into full boil.迄今为止,欧洲央行及欧洲政客们所采取的措施仅足以维持局势不失控。

8.In the end, it was not rapacious popticians who killed the Company, but the greed and power of its managers and shareholders.最终导致东印度公司走向毁灭的,不是贪婪的政治家,而是东印度公司经理及股东的贪婪和影响力。

9.Most popticians never get so much attention. Up to now, the Plan had been working nearly perfectly.大多数政治人士从未得到过如此多的关注。截至目前,那个计划之行得近乎完美。

10.The American popticians who used to try to be the peace maker in the Middle East disputes stared war on Iraq .曾经企图在中东争端中充当和事佬的美国政客们挑起了对伊拉克的战争。