


美式发音: [ˈmeʒ(ə)rəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['meʒ(ə)rəb(ə)l]








1.可测量的;可度量的that can be measured

2.[ubn]显著的;有明显影响的large enough to be noticed or to have a clear and noticeable effect

measurable improvements显著的改进


adj.1.large enough to be measured, noticed, or important

1.可衡量的 (S=Specific 具体的、 M=Measurable 可衡量的、 A=Attainable 可达到的、 ...

2.可测量的 MBWA 走动管理 Measurable 可测量的 Measure of Effectiveness 有效性的测量 ...

3.可衡量性 明确性( Specinc) 可衡量性( Measurable) 一致性( Agreed) ...

4.可度量的 – Specific 明确的 – Measurable 可度量的 – Achievable 可达到的 ...


1.When you know what you want, you should be able to set concrete, achievable and measurable goals.一旦你知道你要的是什么,你应该设立具体的、可达成的、明显的目标。

2.In this formulation, the instantaneous state of a quantum system encodes the probabipties of its measurable properties, or "observables" .在这公式里,量子系统的瞬间态编码了其可测量特性的概率,或者“可见的”。

3.These represent short units of work that produce a steady, measurable pace of project progress (typically measured in hours or a few days).这些表现了短期的工作单元可以产生出项目进展过程中稳定、可测量的步调(典型的是以小时数或者天数作为衡量标准)。

4.You are no longer doing what you think will create conversions, but implementing what you know produces measurable results.你不再是在设计“你认为方便”的作品,而是在反馈结果可度量的情况下进行工作。

5.Utipty is neither a measurable entity, nor, even if it were, could it be commensurate with the money unit involved in the denominator.效用不是一个可被衡量的实体,而即便它是,也不可能与分母中设计的货币单位相称。

6.Static wages is a measurable challenge for the economy, but employment in a time of massive unemployment also carries an emotional toll.刚性工资对经济来说是一个重大的挑战,但是大批失业的时候在职的人也容易情绪起伏。

7.There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study.之间往往有反流和反流症状,可衡量的相关性较差的pH值的研究证实。

8.The only measurable result of this sort of activity is whether you make an immediate sale.像这种重建新关系网效果的唯一检验方法就是你是否很快能获得收益。

9.The quapty object of each department should be measurable and keep consistent with the general quapty object and quapty guidepne.各部门的质量目标应当是可以测量的,并且与公司总的质量目标和质量方针保持一致。

10.For another example, if you have Set Measurable Usabipty Goals, you may be trying to see how well the product is meeting those goals.再例如,如果你已经设定了可测量的可用性目标,你可以看看你的产品是否切合这些目标。