




1.媒体 ... 包装材料 Books and Documents 宣传媒体 Medias 咨询 Consultations ...

3.媒体组 市场组 Marketing 媒体组 Medias 编辑组 Edition ...

4.罗马尼亚 ... 228 Lasi 罗马尼亚 1985 229 Medias 罗马尼亚 1989 230 Ploiesti 罗马尼亚 ? ...

5.美迪亚斯 Mediao 美迪亚奥 Medias 美迪亚斯 Medical L. 美迪科湖 ...

6.多媒体 连结清单 Links 多媒体 Medias 奖学金 Scholarship ...

7.丝袜 ... 手套 Luvas 丝袜 Medias 饰品 Accesorios ...

8.梅迪亚什 Horezu 霍雷祖 Medias 梅迪亚什 Sighişoara 锡吉什瓦拉 ...


1.The garden have water, pavipons, porch medias, look, give a person the sense of depth in another world.园林里有山有水,有亭台轩榭,一眼望去,给人深处另一个世界的感觉。

2.To express my sincere gratitude to the leaders, friends from all over the world and medias that presence and show great support to SFT.向光临和支持展览会的各位领导、国内外朋友、新闻媒体和社会各界致以崇高的敬意。

3.Today the Crystal Project icons are used in virtually thousands of softwares, websites and other medias around the world.如今这种水晶风格的图标被广泛应用在成千上万的软件,网站及其他媒体中。

4.On the face of it, the medias relative disregard of agriculture is surprising.初看起来,媒体对农业的相对忽视令人惊讶。

5.New medias have captured thousands of young readers and internet is considered as a representative.以互联网为代表的新媒体已经俘获了众多年轻读者转投它的怀抱。

6.With its unique superiorities in the dissemination of information, TV medias occupy a rather favorable competitive position.电视以其独特的优势在信息传播中占据了颇为有利的竞争地位。

7.Independent production, distinctive expression and unusual materials make it more authentic than the rupng Medias' sermon.独立制作,独特的构思、另类的题材以罕见的真实弥补了主流话语的不足和遗失。

8.As a web designer it's just too bad not to take advantage of the social medias.作为一名网页设计师,实在太糟糕不采取社会媒体的优势。

9.However, from the propagation mode, Anhui medias are more unitary, the website has not played the proper role.然而,从传播方式上来说,安徽传媒较为单一,网站并未发挥应有的作用。

10.WwW. zIdIR. coM At the time of knowledge economy, the competitions of Medias are essentially the competitions of talents.知识经济时代,传媒组织的竞争实质上是人才的竞争。