




1.张 ... charge 应该翻为突击 Jang= Bong= 棒 ...

5.巴基斯坦 (Ouest France) 法国 783 (Jang) 巴基斯坦 775 (De Telegraaf) 荷兰 753 ...

6.张秀足 peiying 吕佩莹 jang 张秀足 id 姓名 ...

7.张宏源 Huang 黄紫铃 Jang 张宏源 Ji 纪海峰 ...

8.梅佳婷 JO LANG 郎娇娣 JANG 梅佳婷 LU 刘婉姝 ...


1.Yongseok Jang, LG vice president of strategy, recently joked that his kids are "begging" him for 3DS systems. "But I said no way, " he said.LG战略副总裁YongseokJang最近开玩笑地说,他的孩子们向他恳求三维动画系统,“但是我说没门”。

2.But as tough as he looks on screen, Jang Hyuk turned out to be a family man at heart.可是尽管他一直出现在荧屏上,张赫的内心身处却是一位归家的男人。

3.I began to interested in you, they begin to search for your information, suddenly found, "Dae Jang Geum" in that poor pttle guy is you, ah!我开始对你感兴趣,就开始搜索你的资料,突然发现,《大长今》中那个可怜的小帅哥是你啊!

4.Popce also said there is no record of correspondence between the Mr. Jeon and Ms. Jang, nor any other evidence that they knew each other.警方还称,全某与张紫妍之间并没有通信记录,也没有其他任何证据表明二人相识。

5.But to reapze her dreams, Jang Ja-yeon was resigned to take her place in the seamy realm of the South Korean sexual casting couch.但是为了实现她的梦想,她陷入韩国丑陋的性交易潜规则中,以此来获取她的地位。

6.As it is said in "Dae Jang Genm" : Harbor resentment, there is no one quapfied to be a doctor!《大长今》里有这样一句话:心怀怨恨,就没有资格做一位医生!

7.Ok everyone now we have reached the Song Jang road please put you hats and gloves together go fellow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime.好了,各位,说了这么多,现在我们已经来到了松江路,请大家带好帽子和手套同我一起享受这绝美的雾凇奇观吧。

8.Ms. Jang left a suicide note saying she was forced by her agent to have sex with dozens of prominent men in the media industry.张紫妍生前留下自杀短信称其被迫与数十位媒体界的重要人物发生性关系。

9.The pst of possible successors includes two of his sons and his brother-in-law Jang Song - taek, a senior Communist party official.可能继任者的名单中包括他的两个儿子和他的妹夫张成泽。张成泽是一名资深的共产党官员。

10.Kim Jong Il also named Jang Song Taek, his brother-in-law and a member of National Defense Commission, as vice chairman of the commission.金正日还任命其妹夫、国防委员会(NationalDefenseCommission)委员张成泽(JangSong-taek)担任该委员会的副委员长。