


美式发音: ['plʌgɪn] 英式发音: ['plʌgɪn]






adj.1.a plug-in piece of equipment gets power by being connected to an electricity supply by means of a plug

n.1.a piece of software or hardware that you add to a computer to increase the range of things it can do

1.插件 排行榜 Rankpst 插件 Plugin 相册 Album ...

2.外挂 模块: modules 插件目录plugin 图标: logs ...

5.使用插件 群组 Group 功能 Plugin 每日签到 plugin.php?id=dsu_paulsign:sign ...

8.插件文件夹 ... | — source — module 系统运行模组 | — source — plugin 插件文件夹 | — uc_cpent  ucenter 客户端程序 ...


1.I have been informed that this feature can be turned off with a plugin; I would recommend doing so if you decide to use Anki.我得到通知说这个特性可以通过插件来关闭,我建议使用anki的使用者这么做。

2.In these cases, the host system has a defined API to which the plugin must conform, and a way of injecting that plugin in.在这种情况下,宿主系统定义了一套plugin必须遵循的API及plugin注入方式。

3.That should be enough to convince you to use this Globapze plugin instead of any other homemade plugin you may have tried.这足以说服您使用Globapze插件而不是您曾尝试使用的其他自制插件。

4.We want it to be easy for you to offer comments to plugin authors and the community, including user reviews and better feedback.我们想让插件使用者向插件作者和社区发表评论更简单,包括用户评论以及更好的反馈。

5.One way is to have the user edit information in the plugin's PHP file, but this makes many users uncomfortable (to say the least).一种方式是使用户在插件的PHP文件中编辑信息,但多数用户觉得这样做不便利(至少是这样觉得的)。

6.Merbful Authentication - A look at a new (as of January 2008) plugin for Merb that provides an easy to use authentication system.Merb风格的认证-介绍了一个新的(2008年一月)Merb插件,用于快速搭建认证系统。

7.This chain of dependencies can quickly run into a large number of plugin. xml files to be parsed starting from the user-selected plug-in.从用户选择的插件开始,这个依赖链可以迅速导致有很多个plugin.xml文件需要进行分析。

8.In the Plugin config change script field, you can enter the name of a script file that you might want run once the generation is complete.在Pluginconfigchangescript字段中,可以输入您希望在完成生成后运行的脚本文件的名称。

9.When it comes down to it I must be able to declare my domain classes in packages and the JetBrains plugin can't handle that.当我使用Groovy插件的时候,我必须能够在包中声明我的领域类,然而JetBrains插件不能处理这个问题。

10.Before I begin with my review, let me clarify that this isn't a plugin I have used and possibly may never use.在开始我的评论之前,我先澄清我没有用过这个插件并且以后可能也不会用。