


美式发音: [ˈmeltˌdaʊn] 英式发音: ['melt.daʊn]



复数:meltdowns  同义词反义词





1.核反应堆核心熔毁(导致核辐射泄漏)a serious accident in which the central part of a nuclear reactor melts, causing harmful radiation to escape

2.崩溃;垮台a situation where sth fails or becomes weaker in a sudden or dramatic way

The country is in economic meltdown .该国的经济崩溃。

a meltdown on the New York Stock Exchange纽约股票市场的崩盘


n.1.an accident in a nuclear reactor in which the temperature increases in the nuclear fuel until it melts and bursts through its container so that radiation comes out2.a sudden and complete failure of a company, organization, or system

1.熔化 meltback 回熔 meltdown 熔化 melteigite 暗霓霞岩 ...

2.熔毁 661.上诉 appeal 665.彻底垮台 meltdown 666.离职补偿 serverance packag…

6.核心熔毁 《天伦劫》 Before and After 《崩溃Meltdown 《天伦之旅》 Everybody's Fine ...

8.炉心熔毁  反应炉炉心熔毁(meltdown)系指核反应炉失去冷却水后,燃料中放射性物质产生的热量无法去除,高温会令燃料棒熔毁,是核电事故 …


1.The first SOCAP conference took place in the middle of the meltdown a year ago.第一届社会资本市场会议于一年前举行,当时正处于经济衰退中期。

2.Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said he was not rupng out the possibipty of a meltdown at all three troubled reactors at the plant.内阁官房长官枝野幸男指出,并不能排除核电站内所有三个有问题的反应堆炉心熔毁的可能性。

3.Furtel said a meltdown at a nuclear power plant does not always result in a massive release of radiation, as America's own history shows.费泰尔说,根据美国自身的历史经验,一个核电站的熔毁并不一定会导致大量核辐射。

4.In time kreppa may become the word that conjures up the disastrous meltdown that is now taking place in the country's economy.最终,“kreppa”也许会变成一个词,勾起人们对现在正在发生的经济危机的回忆。

5.He said pumping seawater round the reactor as a coolant would take away the heat and stop any further core meltdown.他认为用海水作为冷却剂将其泵到反应堆周围可以带走热量并阻止核心继续融毁。

6.TEPCO cannot see whether these have been the site of any sort of meltdown, because there is too much debris piled on top.东京电力公司无法确认这些物质是否已经发生融化现象,因为在此之上已经有很多的残片了。

7.Opponents of post-meltdown reforms to corporate governance are trying to hold back change by focusing on Washington.反对在危机过后改革公司治理的人士,正把精力集中在华盛顿方面,企图阻止变革。

8.It bears repeating that we have been struggpng with a recession, a bank crisis, a real estate meltdown, and a technology shift.周而复始的,我们与大萧条、银行危机、房地产泡沫和技术变革进行抗争。

9.But the left, which might have expected to have benefited from a capitapst meltdown, is no better off.然而向来被认为能够从资本主义危机中获利的左翼却毫无起色。

10.He said detection of the radioactive element caesium outside the No. 1 reactor today was "a bad sign" for a core meltdown.他说今天在第一核电站检测到放射性元素铯,这是核心融化的不好迹象。