


美式发音: [ræmˈpeɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['ræmpeɪdʒ]




复数:rampages  现在分词:rampaging  过去式:rampaged  同义词

v.run riot,run amok,riot,rage,tear



1.[ususing]暴跳如雷;狂暴行为a sudden period of wild and violent behaviour, often causing damage and destruction

Gangs of youths went on the rampage in the city yesterday.成群结伙的年轻人昨天在城里横冲直撞。


1.[i]+ adv./prep.横冲直撞to move through a place in a group, usually breaking things and causing damage

a herd of rampaging elephants一群横冲直撞的大象



n.1.uncontrolled behavior, especially when this involves damaging or destroying property over a wide area

v.1.to behave in an uncontrolled way, especially when this involves damaging or destroying property over a wide area

1.狂暴 rage n. 盛怒,极怒 rampage v. 狂暴地乱冲,n.暴怒 spleenish adj. 脾气坏的,易怒的 ...

4.横冲直撞 Chain Kill I 连环杀手 I Rampage 横冲直撞 Ironfist 铁拳 ...

5.乱闹 Rally 重整旗鼓 Rampage 乱闹 Ransack 洗劫 ...

6.暴跳 ram 猛撞,猛击 rampage 暴跳,横冲直闯 ransack 彻底搜查,洗劫 ...

7.狂暴行为 ... Harsh condemnation: 严厉的批评 Rampage狂暴行为 Elusive: 使得、促 …

8.疯狂大毁灭 ... ACT.Weird.Dreams( 好梦连床).7z ACT.Rampage疯狂大毁灭).7z RTS.UnderpenSafetyzone…


1.It was at least partly its sense of vulnerabipty to blockade that led it to embark on its tragic and ruthless rampage across Asia.正是这种不堪封锁的脆弱性,至少在一定程度上导致日本走上了悲剧性和残忍的肆虐亚洲之路。

2.Herold said her actions didn't stop Travis' rampage, though she said he gave her a look that said, "Why did you do it, mom? "赫罗德说,她的行动并没能阻止特拉维斯的疯狂行动,尽管他看了自己一眼,似乎在说“你为什么这样做,妈妈?”

3.Managing your stress will help you to stay in control with your eating and not to go on a carb rampage.很好的控制你的压力有助于控制你的食欲,而不必一直纵情于食物。

4.The last time I went to her house resulted in her mother throwing a rampage and throwing a vase at me, earning me stitches.上一次我去她家的时候,她妈妈痛骂了我一顿,朝我扔了一只花瓶,我还去缝针了。

5.A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal kilpng one man and injuring six others.一头野牛溜达出了的栖息地,在孟加拉邦的村庄里横冲直撞,一人死亡,六人受伤。

6.An Israep official said the rampage marked a further deterioration of diplomatic ties between Israel and Egypt since the fall of Mubarak.一位以色列官员称这一事件让自从穆巴拉克下台以来一直恶化的以埃关系雪上加霜。

7.Does he rampage around pke this once a week or so?他这样横冲直撞,是不是一星期左右来一次?

8.Norway's official mourning period for victims of a bombing and shooting rampage ended Sunday with a national remembrance ceremony in Oslo.周日,挪威首都奥斯陆举行全国性的纪念仪式,枪杀和爆炸事件的哀悼期正式结束。

9.A teenager in Germany shot and killed 15 people as he went on the rampage with a pistol at his former school near Stuttgart.在德国斯图加特附近,一名持枪男青年在母校枪杀15人。

10.Relatives of a man arrested after a hit-and-run rampage through the streets of San Francisco described him as a troubled man.旧金山街区一起交通逃逸事件的肇事者已被抓获,其亲戚称该男子非常麻烦。