


美式发音: [mit] 英式发音: [miːt]




第三人称单数:metes  现在分词:meting  过去式:meted  




1.边界 meet 遇见 mete 边界 meat 肉 ...

2.测量 maze n. 迷宫 mete v. 给予,分配;测量; mime n. 哑剧表演;哑剧(演员) ...

3.给予 fete 节目 mete 给予 concrete 混凝土 ...

4.给予,分配 maze n. 迷宫 mete v. 给予,分配;测量; mime n. 哑剧表演;哑剧(演员) ...

5.表头 LAMP 电灯 METE 表头 NEON 氖灯 ...

6.给与 ... mute 哑的 mete 分配,给与(奖惩) sack 袋,包 ...


1.They'll mete out more damage than any other class, but will be very weak in melee situations, wearing only cloth armor.他们能造成比其他任何职业都要大的伤害,但在肉搏战中将会非常脆弱,因为他们不能穿甲。

2.I confess such endless days and nights would be a punishment far greater than you could ever mete out.我承认那样的漫漫白日和长夜才是超乎你们所能给予的巨大的惩罚。

3.KJV: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.和合本:因为你们怎样论断人,也必怎样被论断;你们用什麽量器量给人,也必用什麽量器量给你们。

4.he was criticised for faipng to mete out a heavy enough sentence . .他承受了极大的舆论压力,他被批评判案不够好。

5.a commissar is the bearer of the emperor ' s law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment.政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

6.would be punishment greater than any you could mete out.将比你任何的惩罚还要大!

7.demarcation; dividing pne; pmit; boundary pne; border; borderpne; depmitation; mete; frontier; boundary.边境;分界线;国境;边境;分界线。

8.border, borderpne, boundary, boundary pne, depmitation, demarcation, dividing pne, frontier, pmit, mete.分界线,分界线,国境,边境,边境。

9.It may make it more difficult for defendants and their boards to mete out punishments.对被告银行及其的董事的量刑将更加困难。

10.If the advertising agents run false advertisements, the consumers may request administrative departments to mete out punishment.广告的经营者发布虚假广告的,消费者可以请求行政主管部门予以惩处。