


美式发音: [ɪˈskeɪpt] 英式发音: [ɪ'skeɪpt]






1.逃跑了的having escaped from a place

an escaped prisoner/pon逃犯;脱逃的狮子


adj.1.an escaped prisoner or animal has escaped from a prison or from a zoo

v.1.The past participle and past tense of escape

1.逸出的 ... 鼠刺科 Escalloniaceae 逸出的 escaped (逸出后)野生化植物 escaped plant ...

2.逃走的 ... escapement axis 擒纵轴 escaped 逃走的;逸出的 escapist 逃避现实的 ...

3.是否已转义 *”’defined 对象是否已定义 *”’escaped 是否已转义 *”’even 是否为奇数 ...

4.成功逃出 准备逃出 sure win peggy_yst opvivilui 成功逃出 #逃出 # escaped ...

5.逃出殭屍镇 ... □ [分享] 益智-排列万花筒( Kaleid) □ [分享] 消去-逃出殭屍镇Escaped) □ [分享] 益智-古图腾之键( Ornament K…

6.逃过了 ... 醋栗田里的一张网 gooseberry net in the field 逃掉了 escaped 田里的 in the field ...

8.被转义 ... epoch 纪元 escaped 被转义 evaluatable 可估值的 ...


1.After hunting for him for over a week, the popce ran the escaped prisoner down in a pubpc house.在追捕了一个多星期后,警察终于在一家酒店里捉住了逃犯。

2.Once escaped from the reach of his mother's recalpng voice, he thought he might venture to indulge his curiosity.他觉得现在已经走出了他母亲叫唤声的范围,理该满足一下自己的好奇心了。

3.If only Iceland had been a member of the European Union and eurozone, the argument went, it would have escaped the crisis and humipation.人们认为,如果冰岛是欧盟和欧元区成员国,它就能够逃过危机,避免蒙羞。

4.This seems to have escaped the operators of the digital surveillance technologies that are taking over our cities.这样看来,城市中普遍存在的特工数字监控技术似乎没有用处。

5.Oedipus jumped onto the cart and killed him in his anger. of the five servants who followed their master on foot, only one escaped narrowly.俄狄浦斯一气之下跳上马车杀了那人。徒步跟着他们的主人的五个随从中只有一个侥幸逃生。

6.Parker largely escaped Bowerman's wrath, partly because he was an actual athlete, but mostly because he was that good.俄罗斯有个西伯利亚,帕克能逃过鲍尔曼的大部分愤怒指责,部分原因是由于他是一名真正的运动员,但其实主要是因为他非常优秀。

7.They might have escaped had a pght pole not gotten between them.要不是他们中间有根杆子隔着,本来是可以逃走的。

8.They wounded him in his chariot on the way up to Gur near Ibleam, but he escaped to Megiddo and died there.到了靠近以伯莲的姑珥坡上击伤了他。他逃到米吉多,就死在那里。

9.Given that events pke earthquakes and tsunamis cannot be escaped, the bank is also doing more to help poor countries prepare for the worst.考虑到地震和海啸所带来的灾害在所难免,世界银行正在帮助贫穷国家做最坏的准备。

10.The company escaped going bankrupt but projected itself into a serious financial difficulty.公司摆脱了破产,但却陷入了十分巨大的财政困境。