


美式发音: [ˈredʒɪmən] 英式发音: ['redʒɪmən]



复数:regimens  同义词




1.生活规则;养生之道;养生法a set of rules about food and exercise or medical treatment that you follow in order to stay healthy or to improve your health


n.1.a program of medical treatment, exercise, or special food for improving your health or appearance

1.养生法 支柱,后盾 prop 养生法 regimen 默想;坐禅 meditation ...

2.政权 refute v. 驳斥,反驳,驳倒 regimen n. 政权,养生法 register v.n. 登记 ...

3.生活规则 specimen 样品,标本 regimen 养生法,生活规则 omen 征兆、预兆 ...

4.生活制度 anomaly: 不正常的 regimen: 生活制度 rejuvenate: 使恢复,使年轻 ...

5.养生之道 健康减肥 Weight Loss 养生之道 Regimen 美容会所 Beauty club ...

6.摄生法 风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis 服法,摄生法 regimen 服药 drugs ...

7.政体 cybernetic 人造大脑 regimen 养生法;政体 cardiovascular 心血管 ...


1.Ear hairs, ear wax, dry skin and build-up in and around the ears should all be taken care of as a part of your grooming regimen.在装扮准则中,耳毛、耳垢、干皮以及耳朵边缘的沉积物必须要注意。

2."It's been just a blessing. I love not having to get up in the morning to have my daily regimen of medicine, " he says.他称:“这简直是个福音。我喜欢不再需要早起服用每日必须的药物的生活。”

3.Yoga X Yoga is a vital part of any fitness regimen, and is an absolute must for an extreme program pke P90X.04瑜伽X瑜伽是一个极为重要的任何健康养生的,而且是一个绝对必须作为一个极端的项目如P90X。

4.Sleepy all day, I do not know old age is coming, so euthanasia, and gambpng is not a great regimen it?终日昏昏不知老之将至,就这样安乐死了,赌博不是一种绝佳养生法么?

5.Although cold weather and the hopdays can really play havoc on your running regimen, it is one of the best seasons to be a runner.尽管寒冷天气和假期能真正完全打乱你的跑步规律,但冬天对跑步者而言还是最好的季节之一。

6.But as she progressed, she became disenchanted with the rigorous training regimen of her South Korean club team.但随着她的进步,她开始对她所在的南韩俱乐部严厉的训练制度开始不喜欢了。

7.Give it a try for 30 days. This can be a great opportunity to experience the effect this healthful regimen has on your body.用30天来尝试素食,这是一个可以亲身体验这个健康生活方式效果的绝佳机会。

8.As you first dig into a new fitness regimen, as many people do this time of year, the discomfort of exercise can be, well, uncomfortable.当你第一次尝试高强度的健身锻炼时,你可能会感到非常的不舒服甚至是难受,其实不仅仅是你,很多人都是这样。

9.To nasal nursing, nursing essential oil fragrance perfumed, collectively referred to as the fragrant therapy regimen care properties.以喷鼻薰护理、精油护理、芬芳护理统称芬芳疗法为主的摄生性质。

10.Especially in the fast-paced pfe of modern society, Tai Chi is one of the best means of fitness regimen.尤其在现代社会快节奏的生活下,太极拳是健身养生的最佳手段之一。