


美式发音: [mə'tɪkjələslɪ] 英式发音: [mə'tɪkjələslɪ]




adv.+v.prepare meticulously





1.无微不至 ... 无望〖 hopeless〗 无微不至〖 ineverypossibleway;meticulously〗 无为〖 lettingthingstaketheirowncourse〗 ...

2.小心翼翼地 pmb 肢,手足;翼,翅膀 meticulously 小心翼翼地,细致地 mode 方式;模式…

3.细致地 pmb 肢,手足;翼,翅膀 meticulously 小心翼翼地,细致地 mode 方式;模式…

4.精心 ... commuter 通勤者 meticulously 一丝不苟地 bizarre 奇异的 ...

6.很仔细的 methodical adj. 有条理的 meticulously adj. 很仔细的 mimicry n. 模仿,拟态 ...

7.胆小地 meticulous adj. 小心翼翼的 meticulously adv. 胆小地 metre n. 米,公尺 ...

8.朱先先给了王亦恺无微不至道你伤成这样,我应该早点来看你!”在后来的日子里,朱先先给了王亦恺无微不至(meticulously)的关怀,两人逐渐擦出了爱 …


1.The Beijing-style mooncake is often meticulously decorated.北京式月饼往往是经过精心装饰。

2.Time had not robbed her of her good looks and abipty to dress meticulously.时间没有掠走她的美丽和穿着品味。

3.Everybody has authority to pursue style, the problem that how much is beautiful money, and depend on holding whether meticulously .每个人都有权追求时尚,不是花钱多少的问题,而在于是否精心把握。

4.Finally the Chief Elder paid tribute to the hard work of her committee, which had performed the observations so meticulously all year.最后首席长老称颂委员会的辛勤,执行了整年的无微不至的观察。

5."King up, don't find out. " The bodyguard meticulously says. Wang Shang at the moment is really dreadful, not the Nu is from the Wei.“王上,没有找到。”侍卫战战兢兢的说。此刻的王上真的很恐怖,不怒自威。

6.Assaji shows the meticulously kept accounts and the "Thank You" letters the children have written to that doctor.Assaji向我们展示了分文不差的账务以及孩子们写给这位医生的感谢信。

7.The game is introduced: Spring will come, the earth is very green, there is such a beautiful small MM, let's dress up meticulously for her!游戏介绍:春天来啦,大地是一片绿,还有这么一个漂亮的小MM,让我们来给她精心打扮一下吧!

8.This floor lamp that chooses meticulously, pke the girl that wears white dress graceful, hazy midstream shows a few minutes bashful.这座精心挑选的落地灯,如同身着白色连衣裙的少女亭亭玉立,朦胧中流露出几分羞涩。

9.Each level is to be fully developed before proceeding to the next, and the sequential order of asanas is to be meticulously followed.在继续到下一个阶段之前,每一级都需要得到完全充分的锻炼。需要认真遵循体式的顺序。

10.He says the best bamboo and silk materials must be selected and constructed meticulously into a kite.他说,必须选用最好的竹子和织物材料,并精心构制作一个风筝。