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2.米迦勒 桑德枫( Sandalphon) 米迦勒( Michael) 亚纳尔( Hamiel) ...

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4.麦克尔[详细]nelnel 好久没有电 …

6.许冠文笑匠许冠文Michael)昨日接受钟表界美女胡敏珊的节目访问,now高层何丽全亲自招呼,非常畀面。何丽全还透露公司与张 …


1.Veteran Michael Andre thinks back to 1968 and a fellow soldier caught up in battle during North Vietnam's Tet Offensive.老将迈克尔安德烈认为回到1968年和另外一名士兵,陷入在越南北方的春节攻势作战行动。

2.In the beginning, Michael was always in the company of JW monitors when he worked, watching his every move.一开始,迈克尔工作时总有耶和华见证教的监员相伴,监视他的一举一动。

3."Ever so much nastier, " Mr. Darpng said bravely, "and I would take it now as an example to you, Michael, if I hadn't lost the bottle. "“难吃得多,”达林先生一本正经地说,“要是我没有把药瓶子弄丢了,迈克尔,我现在就做个样子给你看。”

4.While in Washington, Fleur , Michael, and Soames stayed at the hotel where Jon Forsyte and his mother, Irene, were also staying.在华盛顿时,弗勒、迈克尔和索姆斯,与乔恩·福赛特和他的母亲艾琳住在同一家旅馆里。

5.Michael is in Los Angeles and prepared to enact revenge on the Company for kilpng Sara.迈可来到洛城,准备对“公司”杀死莎拉的行为进行报复。

6.Well, Michael Jackson. . . you can put masks on them, you know? -Like they'd really let me do that!好的,迈克尔?杰克逊…你可以让他们戴上面具,你知道吗?-如果他们真的让我那样做!

7.Chief Executive Michael Dell said the company was moving away from low-margin businesses.戴尔执行长MichaelDell表示,该公司正在逐步撤出低利润业务。

8.Before he boards the airplane, Michael goes into the airport store for a gift for his wife.上飞机之前,迈克尔到机场商店给他妻子买礼物。

9.Michael Lynch, of Strategic Energy &Economic Research, a consultancy, recalls that just a year ago inventories were high and prices too low.战略能源与经济研究所的顾问麦克尔.李奇回忆说,就在一年前,石油存储量丰富,价格也非常低。

10.Michael grits his teeth. "What's between you and him, is between you and him, " Michael says as he walks out of the showers.Michael咬咬牙,“你和他的事,你们自己解决,”说着他离开了沐浴间。