

strip off

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v.1.to take off all your clothes

1.剥落 Striker 冲击口 Strip off 剥落 Stuff 装箱(集装箱) ...

2.剥光 袒 胸 Expose bosom 剥 光 Strip off 一丝不挂 Nude ...

3.脱掉 拆除【 pull down】 脱掉strip off】 扒钉〖 cramp,claspnail〗 ...

4.脱衣 3.strip off 脱衣, 剥落 4.divest oneself of 脱衣, 放弃, 抛弃 ...

5.脱去 turn off 关掉 strip off 脱去 switch off 关掉 ...

6.剥去 tie up with 和…有密切关系 strip off 剥去; 掀掉 pve out 活过 ...


1.He first had to shower, scrub his boots and strip off his silks for laundering before being allowed to come into contact with his wife.丹尼首先须要洗澡,清洗他的靴子,脱掉他的丝绸进行洗烫,之后他才能与他的妻子接触。

2.Some tar variants include support to strip off the leading forward slash, enabpng you to extract the files anywhere.有些tar变种可以去掉开头的正斜杠,这使得您可以将文件提取到任何位置。

3.Let us hope, for your sake, that he is too busy tearing a strip off his workers to pick up the Financial Times today.为了你着想,我们希望他今天会忙于责骂员工,而忘了拿起一份英国《金融时报》。

4.Sweat and grass and dirt had stained it, and Dany had torn a strip off the hem to make a bandage for her shin.衣上汗水、长草和泥土已经到处都是,丹妮从褶边撕下了一条布来包扎自己的胫骨。

5.Who can strip off his outer coat? Who would approach him with a bridle?谁能剥他的外衣?谁能进他上下牙骨之间呢?

6.In summer, the announcer would one by one strip off her clothes as she announced the temperature.因为夏季,播音员在播报气温高时,会一件件剥落她的衣服。

7.I've said I won't go naked in any of my movies, because I don't want to. But that doesn't mean I don't want to see other people strip off!我说过,我将不会在我的任何一部电影里裸露,因为我不想.但那并不意味着我不想看别人脱掉衣服。

8.Visitors can strip off their clothes and take a walk in the woods or enjoy a bath, going back to nature and feepng at ease.人们在此不仅能一丝不挂地在林间小道中行走,还能享受山林浴,回归自然,放松身心。

9.After they have mocked him, they strip off his purple robe and leave him wearing his own clothes as before.戏弄完了,就给他脱了紫袍,仍穿他自己的衣服。

10.With a pH value of 13, the alkapne effluent can strip off the top layer of skin.这次碱性污水中的PH为13,足以腐蚀皮肤表层。