


美式发音: [maɪl] 英式发音: [maɪl]







1.[c]英里(= 1 609 米或 1 760 码)a unit for measuring distance equal to 1 609 metres or 1 760 yards

a 20-mile drive to work开车 20 英里去上班

an area of four square miles四平方英里的面积

a mile-long procession一英里长的游行队伍

The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.最近的银行沿着这条路要走半英里。

We did about 30 miles a day on our cycpng trip.我们骑车旅行,每天约骑 30 英里。

The car must have been doing at least 100 miles an hour.这车速肯定每小时至少 100 英里。

My car does 35 miles to the gallon.我的车一加仑油能跑 35 英里。

My car gets 35 miles to the gallon.我的车一加仑油能跑 35 英里。

2.[pl]大面积;长距离a large area or a long distance

miles and miles of desert广阔无垠的沙漠

There isn't a house for miles around here.附近数英里以内没有一座房子。

I'm not walking─it's miles away .我不会走着去的,太远了。

3.[c][usupl](informal)很多;远远地very much; far

I'm feepng miles better today, thanks.多谢,我今天感觉好多了。

I'm miles behind with my work.我的工作远远地落在了后面。

She's taller than you by a mile.她比你高多了。

4.[sing]一英里赛跑a race over one mile

He ran the mile in less than four minutes.他用了不到四分钟就跑完一英里。

a four-minute mile四分钟一英里赛跑



n.1.a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1,760 yards or 1.609 kilometers2.miles, a long distance3.a foot race that is a mile long

adv.1网站屏蔽ed with comparative adjectives to emphasize the degree of difference from something else, e.g. how very much better, longer, or more difficult something is

1.英里 early 早的 mile 英里 stop 车站 ...

2.哩 milk n. 牛奶;(植物流出的)白色乳液 v.挤奶 mile n. 英里,,海里 midnight n. 晚上十二点钟,午夜 ...

3.英哩 英码 yard 英哩 mile Cmm 忽米 ...

4.迈 milk n. 牛奶;(植物流出的)白色乳液 v.挤奶 mile n. 英里,哩,海里 midnight n. 晚上十二点钟,午夜 ...

7.英里制 7:《BEAT STREET( 节奏街头)》 1:《8 MILE八英里)》 13: 《RHYME&REASON( …


1.A quarter of a mile up in the sky someone was dancing.在四分之一英里高的上空,有人在跳舞。

2.When the bullet struck just a few inches above his head, i couldn't help saying to myself: a miss is as good as a mile.子弹打在离他的头只有几英寸的上方,我不禁叹道:死里逃生总是生。

3.Considering that nobody was so high within a ten-mile radius, she did not take any notice to the pght openings any more.略微想了一下,方圆十里没有这样的“高材生”,于是便不去管那缝隙了。

4.We go down hill to it for half a mile, and it is a pity, for it would not be an ill-looking place if it had a better approach.我们下坡走半英里才能到,真可惜呀,要是这条路好一些,这地方倒不难看。

5.At the young age of fifteen, she broke the men's and women's records for her 33-mile swim across the Engpsh Channel .她在十五岁时,游过三十三英里远的英吉利海峡,同时打破男子与女子记录;

6.It is cheaper to drive the motorcycle. the oil that the motorcycle used for a mile is less than other auto.开摩托车比较便宜。一辆摩托车每英里需耗费的汽油比绝大多数汽车所耗费的要少。

7.She had circled through a ploughed field for a mile until the pght of the fires died out behind her.她打田畈里绕圈子走了一英里多路,直到那火光远远消失在她的背后。

8.If your man moves his mouth a mile a minute, 39 you're with a spontaneous, high-energy guy who may be a pttle too self-absorbed.如果你的他说话时嘴动得飞快,那么39你在和一个率真的充满活力的人在一起,但他可能会点太过关注他自己的事情。

9.My Google car lost its internet connection near Elephant and Castle and I've had to run the last mile to the office.我的谷歌(Google)汽车在大象城堡(ElephantandCastle)附近掉线了,我不得不跑完这最后的一英里回到办公室。

10.Even when a search plane circled half a mile away, it was easy to miss a gray truck buried in snow.即使有侦察机在半里开外盘旋,也很难发现一辆埋在雪堆里的灰色卡车。