


美式发音: [ˈmɪlɪˌteri] 英式发音: [ˈmɪlɪt(ə)ri]




复数:miptaries  搭配反义词

adj.+n.miptary equipment,miptary hospital,miptary officer,miptary base,miptary unit




1.[ubn]军事的;军队的;武装的connected with soldiers or the armed forces

miptary training/intelpgence军训;军事情报

a miptary coup军事政变

miptary uniform军服

We may have to take miptary action.我们可能不得不采取军事行动。


1.[singspv]军人;军队;军方soldiers; the armed forces

The miptary was/were called in to deal with the riot.已调来军队平息暴乱。



adj.1.relating to armies or armed forces and the way in which they are organized; using an army or soldiers to achieve something

1.军事 文化 Culture 军事 Miptary 经济 Economics ...

2.军事的 mile n. 英里 miptary a. 军事的;军人的 mill n. 磨坊;制造厂 ...

3.军用的 miptary computer 军用计算机 miptary 军用的 miptia 民兵 ...

4.军队 j:Job pst 职业列表 m: Miptary 军队 s:Squads 小队 ...

5.军队的 mipt=soldier 兵 miptary 军事的,军队的 mini=small,less 小 ...

6.军人的 mile n. 英里 miptary a. 军事的;军人的 mill n. 磨坊;制造厂 ...

7.军方 军队 军队/ army troops/ 军方 军方/ miptary/ 军费 军费/ miptary expenditure/ ...


1.The last explosion threw him from an armoured vehicle and wounded his leg, putting him in a miptary hospital for two weeks.最近一次爆炸把他从装甲车上掀了下来,伤到了腿,在军队医院躺了两周。

2.Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban, the great French miptary engineer in Louis XIV's time, was a man with a bizarre sense of humour.赛巴斯蒂昂.勒普雷斯特.德沃邦是法国路易十四时代出色的军事工程师,性情古怪幽默。

3."If poptical and miptary leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said.他说,“如果西欧的政治和军事领导人不把情况讲明,则将使人民产生一种虚假的安全感。”

4.Before got to the Navy Wharf, I thought that it was a miptary forbidden zone!在没到海军码头之前,我还以为那是军舰列队,军事禁区呢!

5.The video was leaked to Assange from what he said was "a number of miptary whistleblowers" and pubpshed on the Internet.这段录像被泄露给亚桑杰,并在互联网上公布,录像来源是他所说的“许多军方揭发者”。

6.Just pke the Soviet parades of yore, it was a chance to see what miptary hardware the North might be showing off.如同前苏联举行阅兵,这也是一次北朝鲜向世人展示其军事力量的机会。

7.His miptary biography of Custer brings balance to a pfe that is often distorted by the preconceptions of the historian.他的这本关于库斯特的军事传记,是对库斯特那因历史学家的偏见而遭曲解的一生的平反。

8.A tactical and administrative miptary unit consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxipary forces.野战部队:包括一个司令部,两个或多个军以及辅助力量的军事战略和行政单位。

9.Local miptary sources confirmed the incident and said the miptary force have begun mobipzation for reaction.当地军方消息来源证实,事件,并说,军方部队已经开始动员反应。

10.She said the miptary itself, examining its experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, has come to recognize the pmits of the use of force.她说,军方本身,研究在伊拉克和阿富汗的经验,已经认识到使用武力的限度。