


美式发音: [ˈsiˌsɔ] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌsɔː]





复数:seesaws  现在分词:seesawing  过去式:seesawed  同义词反义词







n.1.a long board for children to play on, balanced on a support in the middle. A childrens word for this is teeter totter.2.a situation that keeps changing, especially one that involves two opposite things that rise and fall many times

v.1.to change from one condition to another and back again many times, or to rise and fall again many times2.to play on a seesaw

1.跷跷板 《秘密花园》( Secret dardom) 《跷跷板》( Seesaw) 《她爱我》( She Ioves Me) ...

2.翘翘板 爱的滑翔翼 Love’s Sailplane 翘翘板 Seesaw 恋爱节奏 Affection Tempo ...

3.秋千 Peninsula n. 半岛 Seesaw n. 秋千 Disseminate v. 散布 ...

4.杠杆 seepy 透水的 seesaw 杠杆 seethe 煮沸;沸腾;激动;浸湿 ...

5.前后动 seeker 探针,探寻器 seesaw 跷跷板,前后动,杠杆 segmental apparatus 节段装置 ...

6.上下动 scow 大型平底船,盘艇 seesaw 跷跷板,上下动 shopwindow 商店橱窗 ...

7.播放翘翘板 翘翘板( Seesaw) 播放翘翘板( Seesaw) 站台 全新混音版( DJ CY) ...


1.At a distance of about 300 nanometres (a nanometre is a bilponth of a metre), the seesaw began to tilt towards the ball.其间距离大约为300纳米时(1纳米是十亿分之一米),秋千开始移向小球。

2.We soared high into the sky on it and were then cast down and went up again. We kept on playing on the seesaw a hundred times.接下来又去玩跷跷板,都快要弹到天上去了,掉下来又弹上去,上上下下接连不停,足足玩了一百下才停止。

3."In the coming one or two quarters, it's going to be a seesaw game, " Strategy Analytics director Thomas Kang said Thursday.“在接下来的一到两个季度内会进入拉锯战”StrategyAnalytics公司总监ThomasKang在周四表示。

4.There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw. Up and down.有很长一段时间她的情绪时起时落,时好时坏。

5.My emotions continued to seesaw between pleasure and embarrassment.我的心情也依然在高兴与不自在之间摇摆不定。

6.for China's macro-economic terms, can stock and property markets of the "seesaw effect" began to appear a?对于中国宏观经济来说,难道股市楼市的“跷跷板效应”又开始显现了?

7.right-hand man . . . Now the Latin Americans are on the other side of the seesaw, tilting towards the sky.如今,拉美人却到了跷跷板的另一端,快翘到天上去了。

8.If someone brings a lawsuit over, a kid fell off the seesaw, it doesn't matter what happens in the lawsuit, all the seesaws will disappear.如果有人诉讼,一个孩子在跷跷板上摔下来了,不管诉讼的结果如何,所有的跷跷板都会消失掉。

9.As one side of the rocker arm moves up, the other side moves down, just pke a seesaw.当摇臂的一侧上升,其另一侧下降,正如一块跷跷板一样。更详细。

10.It means the dollar and gold are effectively on opposite ends of a seesaw. When the dollar is in favor, gold retreats.这意味着,美元同黄金就像一个跷跷板的两端,存在着非常明显的此消彼长关系。