



美式发音: [ˈmɪlkˌʃeɪk] 英式发音: ['mɪlk.ʃeɪk]







n.1.[Food]a sweet drink made by mixing milk with chocolate or fruit, and usually ice cream, or a glass of this drink2.a sweet drink made by mixing milk with chocolate or fruit, and usually ice cream, or a glass of this drink

1.奶昔 ... 啤酒 Beer 奶昔类 Milkshakes 牛肉酱( beef mince) ...

3.牛奶冰激凌四个 microphone 麦克风 milkshakes 牛奶冰激凌四个 milppede 倍足纲节动物 ...

4.奶昔杯奶昔杯Milkshakes):14盎司,奶昔一词源于它是牛奶和冰激凌的混合物,最早出现在麦当劳餐厅。美式古典杯/老式杯(Old …


1.'I can't eat fatty foods. I can't eat things that are fried, never been able to eat ice cream or milkshakes, ' says Chrobuck.“我不能吃油腻的食物,也不能吃油炸的,从不敢吃冰激凌或奶昔,”Chrobuk说。

2.Afterward we went out for cheeseburgers and milkshakes, and drove back to the city, went home and made love.然后我们离开,吃了乳酪汉堡和奶昔,开车回城里,到家后做爱。

3.At the show's opening, she served up self-made breast milkshakes and displayed a baby quilt made of burp cloths and "porn star panties. "展会一开始,麦迪逊·杨就向与会者提供了用自己母乳调制的奶昔,并展示了用围嘴和A片女星内裤缝制的婴儿被。

4.The most common milkshakes are made with either vanilla or chocolate ice cream, a cherry is usually put on top.最常见的奶昔是用香草味或巧克力冰淇淋制成的,顶端还会有一枚樱桃。

5.Whether covered in chocolate, blended into milkshakes, or served in cones, ice cream is always a hit.不论是裹上一层巧克力、打成奶昔,或是用甜筒盛装,冰淇淋总是广受欢迎。

6.They say some of my star drink whiskey. But I have found that the ones who drink milkshakes don't win many ball games .有人告诉我,说我有些球星爱喝威士忌,但我发现那些喝奶昔的赢不了几场球。

7.Since they were in a "dinner" they took advantage and actually ordered the milkshakes which their privet chef made for them.既然在“餐馆”,他们就充分利用这个机会真的叫了奶昔,这其实是他们的私人厨师为他们准备好的。

8.In the nineteen forties and 'fifties, teenagers would meet at diners to talk, drink milkshakes and psten to music.在十九世纪四十和五十年代,青少年们会在餐车里面聚会聊天,喝奶昔,听音乐。

9.To make ends meet, I worked as a singing waiter, belting out songs to karaoke tracks while I served burgers and milkshakes.为了增加一些收入,我开始做服务生,一个会引吭高歌的服务生。因为我就唱著卡拉OK曲目去送汉堡包和奶昔。

10.But why go for that, when you've got chocolate milkshakes (HK$38) as an option?可是,既然有了巧克力奶昔(38港币),谁还会要有机苏打水呢?