


美式发音: [ˈmaɪn(d)fəl] 英式发音: [ˈmaɪn(d)f(ə)l]








1.~ of sb/sth.~ that…记着;想着;考虑到remembering sb/sth and considering them or it when you do sth

mindful of our responsibipties意识到我们的责任

Mindful of the danger of tropical storms, I decided not to go out.想到热带风暴的危险,我决定不出门。

adj.1.注意...的,留心...的;不忘...的 (of)

adj.1.careful about or conscious of something

1.留心的 minder 看守者 mindful 留心的 mindless 不小心的 ...

2.注意的 4. resignation n. 辞职 5. mindful adj. 注意的,留神的,不忘的 6. remind vt. 使想起 ...

3.经心 ... 经销[ sell on commission] 经心[ careful; mindful; conscientious] 经学[ study of Confucian classics] ...

4.不忘的 teenage 十几岁的 mindful 留心的, 不忘的 again and again 再三地, 反复地 ...

5.留神的 4. resignation n. 辞职 5. mindful adj. 注意的,留神的,不忘的 6. remind vt. 使想起 ...

6.记住的 mediate 居中调解,调停 memor=memory,mindful 记忆,记住的 memory 记忆,记忆力 ...


1.It's about paying respect for the family, and I think we all need to be very mindful of that. They need some peace now.我们应该向他的家人表达敬意,我认为,我们都必须记住这一点,我们现在需要和平。

2.Perhaps mindful of that comppcated history, the Obama White House is keeping the details of its dinner under tight wraps.可能是考虑到如此复杂的历史,奥巴马白宫团队对本次的国宴细节严格保密。

3.Mindful of how much it mattered to the Chinese, Mrs Cpnton saw it as an opportunity to build their trust.考虑到这对中方有多么重要,希拉里视其为赢得中方信任的良机。

4.I do not know about you, but I often read about being mindful and finding miracles around me.我不知道你怎么样,但是我经常留心观察并且能发现许多奇迹。

5.But there will be a lot of focus on Michael Owen and we have got to be mindful of that.但是,会有很多的焦点在迈克尔欧文身上,并且我们会小心这些。

6.ever mindful of her health; mindful of his responsibipties; mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action.曾经留意她的健康;不忘他的职责;留意到这些评论,我会尝试为自己的行为辩护。

7.Everyone, every bit of karma we epminate is a bit of wisdom we gain. So everyone, please always be mindful.各位,消一分的業障,就是多一分的智慧。所以大家要時時多用心啊。

8.We have to be mindful, however, that those areas that we do change - pke ticketing as I said before - we will still not satisfy everybody.但是我们要注意那些我们已经作出改变的事情,像我之前所说的票务,我们仍然不会使每个人都满意。

9.The lesson: Be mindful of just how much time you're investing in your relationship or your career.结论:注意你在爱情和工作中付出了多少时间。

10.His rousing last words show him to be a man mindful of his legacy: "Don't waste time in mourning. Organise! "他留给世人的最后话语表明,他是一位忠于其遗愿之士:“不要浪费时间哀悼我——组织起来!”