





6.马蒂约r)、凯撒(César)、恩斯特 (Ernst)、马蒂约(Mathieu)、莫迪格里亚尼(Modigpani)、米罗 (Miro)、热尔梅娜.里希埃(Germaine R…


1.While it seems contrive that Mathieu should reach out for his boyfriend's ex, it is not hard to understand what draws him to Pierre.并不难理解是什么让马修去找皮埃尔的——马修似乎被导演设计成想要与塞德里克的前任发展。

2.Plenty of money, a strong industrial and financial track record for Xavier Niel and Mathieu Pigasse.XavierNiel和MathieuPigasse拥有足够的金钱,在工业、金融业拥有荣耀的记录。

3.Ad executive Michael Mathieu told the New York Times that he pkes to ask candidates, 'What is the meaning of pfe? '广告业经理人马蒂厄(MichaelMathieu)对《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)讲,他喜欢问求职者“生活的意义是什么”。

4.His own wife and Laroche-Mathieu had become intimates without attempting to conceal their friendship.他自己的妻子和拉罗哲·马底欧打得火热,丝毫也不掩饰他们的交情。

5.On Tuesday EVERYBODY wanted Mathieu Lehanneur's Once Upon A Dream Bed, designed for a quick and smooth recovery from jet lag.礼拜二每个人都希望MathieuLehanneur的曾经的梦路,一个快速和顺利回收的设计。

6.If periodic sounds of all kinds confuse Mathieu, this problem may loom large when he confronts complex musical beats, McDermott suggests.他还指出,如果各种周期性重复的声音都使马修困惑的话,当他面对复杂节拍的时候就难怪不能识别了。

7.The battle was frightful. There was a dog's tooth for wolf's flesh, as P. Mathieu says.这场混战真是骇人,正象蒲·马蒂厄斯所说的“狗牙咬住了狼肉”。

8.Mathieu consistently bounced out of sync to various musical tempos.马修一如既往地在各种音乐中无节奏地蹦跳。

9.As for Mathieu Flamini, Cesc and Alex Hleb, the signs look quite good but we have to make a decision.至于马蒂厄·弗拉米尼、塞斯克和阿历山大·赫莱布,种种迹象看起来相当不错,但我们必须作出个选择。

10.The Go-Go's had a 1982 hit record with "We Got the Beat, " but a 23-year-old man named Mathieu never got their message.以“大家跟上节奏”为口号的摇摆舞在1982年风靡一时,但是一个叫马修的23岁男子对此毫不知晓。