



美式发音: [mɑb] 英式发音: [mɒb]




复数:mobs  过去式:mobbed  现在分词:mobbing  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.angry mob

v.+n.control mob



v.besiege,descend on,crowd around,surround,attack



1.[c][singspv]人群;(尤指)暴民a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble

an angry/unruly mob愤怒的╱失控的暴民

The mob was/were preparing to storm the building.聚集的群众准备猛攻大楼。

an excited mob of fans一群激动的球迷

mob rule(= a situation in which a mob has control, rather than people in authority)暴民统治

2.[c][ususing](informal)一群;一帮a group of people who are similar in some way

All the usual mob were there.所有帮派成员都在那里。

3.[sing](informal)犯罪团伙;黑手党the people involved in organized crime; the Mafia

4.[c](动物的)群a group of animals

a mob of cattle一群牛


1.~ sth(鸟群或兽群)围攻,聚众袭击if a crowd of birds or animalsmob another bird or animal, they gather round it and attack it

2.~ sb(人群)围聚,围拢if a person ismobbed by a crowd of people, the crowd gathers round them in order to see them and try and get their attention



n.1.a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control; involving or typical of a mob2.an organized group of criminals such as the mafia; belonging to or involving an organized group of criminals3.a group of people who are connected in some way4.an insulting word for the people from a low social class5.a large group of animals1.a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control; involving or typical of a mob2.an organized group of criminals such as the mafia; belonging to or involving an organized group of criminals3.a group of people who are connected in some way4.an insulting word for the people from a low social class5.a large group of animals

v.1.if a large group of people mob someone or something, they surround them in an angry or excited way


2.市井之喜 花花公子俱乐部 The Playboy Club 制造浪漫 Mobbed 撞南墙 Against The Wall ...

7.都会快闪族 ... 《为百万财主做媒》( The Milponaire Matchmaker) 《都会快闪族》( Mobbed) 《美国人》( The …


1.And this guy was MOBBED trying to leave the court, everyone wanted his autograph, and he did his best to sign nearly everyone's.离开球场时,这家伙被围了个水泄不通,人人都问他讨签名,他尽量满足要求,几乎每个人都签到了。

2.When he left the hall after his speech, the party leader was mobbed by his supporters.当这位政党领袖结束演讲离开大厅时,一大群支持者围住他欢呼。

3.As he came off the stage, a group of reporters mobbed him and insisted on an interview session.当他走下讲台时候,一群记者围住他并坚持做一个采访。

4.When he left the hall the party leader was mobbed by his supporters.当党的领导人离开大厅时,一群支持者围了上来。

5.Popce and paparazzi mobbed the convicted child molester on his arrival in London.当他到达伦敦时,警察和摄影四包围了这个有罪的儿童猥亵犯。

6.On her frequent trips abroad, she would be mobbed by hordes of overenthusiastic fans.在她频繁的出国访问中,常常会受到过分热情的影迷们的滋扰。

7.At the Oberoi, the other luxury hotel besieged by terrorists, camera crews mobbed shocked survivors as they stepped from the building.在被恐怖分子围攻的另一家豪华酒店奥贝罗伊(Oberoi),惊魂未定的幸存者们刚跨出大楼,一群摄制人员就围上前去。

8.Organizers are wary because fighting has broken out in recent days when desperate people mobbed aid trucks.组织者非常谨慎,因为近几天,绝望的灾民围攻了运送救济物资的卡车,导致冲突爆发。

9.The Spaniard was mobbed by fans as he enjoyed an afternoon stroll along Old Hall Street, in the city centre.西班牙人很享受整个下午漫步在城市中心的旧礼堂街,后来他被球迷们包围。

10.The children mobbed the baseball star.孩子们欢呼着朝那棒球明星围上去。