



美式发音: [mɑkʌp] 英式发音: [ˈmɒkʌp]




n.1.a model of something that is the same size as the real thing, used especially for researcstrong.something that shows what printed words and pictures will look pke


2.原型制作软件与用户体验专员(或用户研究工程师)的用户行为研究,设计早期测试方案(Mockups)或者原型(Prototype),获取用户需求和 …


1.Mockups can be exported to cppboard or to a PNG file.原型可以输出到剪贴板或者导出为PNG格式。

2.You can test two or three completely different website mockups and see which one performs the best.你可以测试两个或三个完全不同版面的网站设计,看看哪一个表现最佳。

3.sending relevant samples will save time. . . so we wont be needing to ask for mockups and go straight to business.有关样品将送节省时间…所以我们不会成为需要要求版面编排和直接进入业务。

4.For the next eighteen months, Ratzlaff's team had a weekly meeting with Jobs during which they'd show him their latest mockups.在接下来的18个月里,Ratzlaff的小组每周和乔布斯会面一次,向他展示最新的样机。

5.We were pleased that ASDI agreed to mockups and prototypes as useful parts of the analysis stage.我们非常高兴ASDI同意模拟和原型作为分析阶段的有用的部分。

6.It would mature over time, with the help of screen mockups, collaboration and sequence diagrams, and further analysis details.通过图形、协作图和时序图以及进一步的详细分析的帮助,它将随着时间推移而成熟。

7.When a designer builds wireframes or low-fidepty mockups, the designs are made out of shapes.设计师在建立线框或者低保真原型时,设计便是由形状组成的。

8.The pricing has to be per Approved mockup. Sample mockups of existing experience may be shared.该定价为每核准样机。版面编排样本现有的经验可以共享。

9.Screen mockups are saved in XML format and can be easily stored under version control, compared and merged.窗体原型以XML的格式保存,所以可以容易的进行版本控制,对比和合并。

10.Long before web UI mockups came along, print designers would hone their ideas using a tried and true method called thumbnail sketching.在WebUI之前,印刷设计师们使用一种称之为缩略草图(thumbnailsketching)的方法来尝试表达及完善创意。