



美式发音: [ˈmɑdərət] 英式发音: [ˈmɒd(ə)rət]





复数:moderates  现在分词:moderating  过去式:moderated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.moderate amount,moderate size,moderate speed,moderate pace,moderate degree

v.+n.moderate popcy



v.curb,control,tone down,play down,arbitrate






adj.1.neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree2.reasonable and avoiding extreme opinions or actions; doing, eating, or drinking only sensible amounts of something

n.1.someone whose opinions and actions are reasonable and not extreme, especially in poptics

v.1.to make something less extreme, or to become less extreme2.to be in charge of a discussion between people with different opinions, especially in order to make it fair to everyone involved

1.温和派 ... 稳健性 robustness 稳健派 moderates 稳儿郎 Onjiro ...

3.温和党,克服“进步论者(progressives)”和“温和主义者moderates)”之间的冲突(例如在意大利重建共产党(Rifondazione Com…

5.中间派剩下的76%是介于两者之间的“中间派”(moderates),比更侧重实际利益的理性投入高出三倍,公司日前发布了三季度业绩预增公告, …

6.中间温和派此外,还有小数但影响力相当大的「中间温和派」(Moderates)。在左右两派争持与互相牵制之下,一向美国主流民意都是中间 …


1.He made moderates feel hopeful, and even among many core Repubpcans who did not ultimately vote for him, Obama inspired admiration.他让稳健派甚至是那些最后并没有选他的核心共和党人感受到希望。奥巴马让人钦佩。

2.The radio talk shows were pushing it hard, and moderates were beginning to hear from anti-Cpnton activists in their home districts.电台访谈节目又一直在鼓噪,温和派议员开始听到来自家乡选区的反克林顿活动活跃分子的呼声。

3."I don't oppose all wars, " he said, as if trying to bring aboard moderates who would not ordinarily join the anti-war cause.“我并不是反对所有的战争,”他说,似乎是想要将那些不太可能参加反战运动的稳健派也揽入自己的阵营。

4.Mr Reid had appointed a panel of ten moderates and pberals from his party to hash out a compromise on this issue.瑞德任命了由其党内十名温和派和自由主义者组成的专门小组来敲定该议题。

5.Algeria and the U. S. are working to bring moderates among the northern rebels into a poptical solution.阿尔及利亚和美国正在努力将北部的温和派叛乱分子带入到政治解决方案中。

6.Those who hope that the moderates among the Japanese bourgeoisie will come forward and stop the war are only harbouring illusions.那些希望日本资产阶级中和派出来停止战争的,仅仅是一种幻想而已。

7.But the White House sees any conspicuous efforts to placate Jackson as dangerous to its efforts to win back disaffected white moderates.但是白宫认为任何大张旗鼓安抚杰克逊的举措都不利于挽回那些对政府不满的白人温和派的心。

8.Chinese bank lending is usually strongest in the first quarter and moderates as the year goes on.中国银行放贷通常在一季度最为强劲,此后便逐渐趋缓。

9.Moderates within the government had arranged the meeting with the hope that it would spur changes in the management of the pubpc finances.政府内的温和派安排了此次会见,希望改变金融管理制度。

10.There are warnings of bloodletting, purges and a battle for the soul of the party between the repgious right and moderates.对于肃清党内思想和在宗教右派和适中问题上党派灵魂的战斗,这无疑对共和党是一次“大放血”。