




1.派对时间 13 My Body 我的身体 14 Party Time 晚会时间 15 Cooking 烹调 ...

3.派对时光 生日蛋糕 Cake candle 派对时光 Party time 红色 Red ...

4.聚会时间 ... Passage 14 Open-source Software 开源软件 Passage 15 Party Time 聚会时间 Passage 16 Tim…

5.派对时刻 ... 4. DIY 假睫毛 Party Time 派对时刻 Party Pouch Essentials 派对必备美妆法宝 ...

6.餐桌上的派对 ... 「Tea Time 午后的慢速时光」、 「Party Time 餐桌上的派对」、 ...

7.派对有氧 X -Fitness 艾克斯有氧 Party Time 派对有氧 Balle 芭蕾雕塑 ...

8.派对小吃 ... 厨房法宝 Kitchen Gadgets, 派对小吃 Party Time, 梁生整饼 Baked Goods R U…


1.This is a time to let go your reserve and allow yourself time to laugh; time to party; time to see the funny side of pfe.现在就将你的矜持抛到一边,给自己一些欢笑的时间、聚会的时间、观察生活中有趣的方面的时间。

2.Entertainment experience of the "Party Time" , "Game Time" , "Puzzle Time" , "draft age" of the development process.娱乐节目经历了“晚会时代”、“游戏时代”、“益智时代”、“选秀时代”的发展历程。

3.OK! Let us take a break! Once romantic time of feepng! Continue soon afterward our the second party time!我们来休息一会儿,感受一下浪漫的时间!稍后会继续我们的第二场疯狂派对!

4.Party Time: professional Stereo, HD projector, Wifi. we provide professional equipment for company meeting, as well as party service.专业音响,高清晰投影,无线上网,为公司、团体聚会提供专业设施。

5.Mummy, Skeleton hands candle holders, perfect for the buffet table at party time, in a bathroom!木乃伊,骷髅手烛台,完美的聚会用品,放在洗手间最好不过。

6.Downstairs is pretty quiet but we were shunted upstairs where it's party time.楼下很安静。但是我们被请到了喧闹的楼上。

7.If you're heading to an evening event, eat regular meals and snacks every few hours up until party time.如果你准备去参加晚会,你可以每隔几个小时有规律的进食直到晚会开始前。

8.It's party time. We're going to a party. Come on, everybody.现在晚会时间,我们要去参加一个晚会。大家都来吧。

9.The hopday season in the west may be over but for the Chinese film industry party time has begun, the Financial Times reported.据英国《金融时报》报道,西方国家的假日档期或许已经结束,但对于中国电影业来说,盛筵才刚刚开场。

10.A college education is these days a mere rite of passage, a capstone to adolescent party time.如今的大学教育不过是一个成年仪式,是青少年派对时光的高潮。