


美式发音: ['moʊdəs] 英式发音: ['məʊdəs]



复数:modi  复数:moduses  



1.方法 modulus 模 modus 方法 Moeritherium 始祖象属 ...

2.作案 ... Missio in possessionem legatorum servandorum causa 保证履行遗赠义务之占 Modus 负担,对标的的限制 Mor…

6.模式 ... modulus of volume expansion 体积膨胀模数 modus 方式,方法,程序 mogul base 大型电子 …


1.The time was too short to reveal much, but at least one aspect of Obama's modus operandi should travel with him into the White House.这段时间太过短暂以至于他并没有展现出太多,不过至少Obama有一方面的做法应该跟着他一起进白宫。

2.He also offered an insight into his own modus operandi now that he, too, has no hope of having his films shown in Iran.他还就其电影作品在伊朗上映无望的情况下,披露了自己特有的工作方式。

3.The array of patches forms a resonant surface on which surface currents can be resonantly excited for generating at least one field modus.所述贴片的阵列构成了谐振表面,在该谐振表面上能够以谐振方式激励表面电流,以便产生至少一个场形式。

4.Transactions, the team could never get kickbacks , businessmen through decorate Team "pry out" with the modus operandi of consumer prices.成交后,装潢队可以拿到回扣,商家则通过装潢队的“撬边”,用以次充好的手法欺骗消费者。

5.By the end of the month details have been hammered out and a modus vivendi has been estabpshed to create the foundations for future growth.月底前,细节问题要仔细推敲,一种生活方式将建立起来,它会为未来的发展奠定基础。

6.the mistaken optimism surrounding the stimulus package can and should be a one-off, not the administration's modus operandi.围绕刺激方案产生的错误乐观情绪,可能(而且应该)是一次性的,而不应该是奥巴马政府的惯常做法。

7.The agreement is the first positive sign so far that the two countries may be able to find a modus vivendi.中日协议是目前为止第一个积极的迹象,表明两国可能可以找到暂时的妥协。

8.We might use it to substitute long defect of ureter cautiously because study of the modus operandi is initial.由于是初步性研究,实验数量较少,对于长段替代仍需慎用。

9.If any region can work out a new modus vivendi between people of different faiths, it should be Europe.若说某个地区能在不同宗教信仰的人群间找到妥协相处之道,则非欧洲莫属。

10.This has long been a standard modus operandi for many PC viruses and Trojans.而这是长久以来,个人电脑病毒和特洛伊木马所惯用的伎俩。