


美式发音: [məˈlest] 英式发音: [mə'lest]



第三人称单数:molests  现在分词:molesting  过去式:molested  同义词

v.assault,interfere with,abuse,mistreat,attack



1.~ sb对(儿童)性骚扰to attack sb, especially a child, sexually

2.~ sb攻击;伤害to attack sb physically


v.1.to hurt someone, especially a child, by touching them in a sexual way or by forcing them to do sexual acts2.to behave in a violent or threatening way toward someone

1.骚扰 hymn 赞美诗 Molest 骚扰 干扰 incest 乱伦 ...

2.调戏 discard 抛开;遗弃;废弃 molest 骚乱, 困扰, 调戏 sapva 口水, 唾液 ...

3.干扰 hymn 赞美诗 Molest 骚扰 干扰 incest 乱伦 ...

4.折磨 mole 黑痣 molest 折磨 molten 融解 ...

5.无故向人攀谈 work out 1. 解决问题; 算出; 设计出 molest v. 折磨;干涉;无故向人攀谈 meddle in 干涉,搅和 ...

6.恶意干涉 ... 调戏 dalpance;dally with;fprtation;footsie;molest 恶意干涉 molest 调戏女性 molest a female ...

7.使烦恼 ... 28 damaged a. 已损伤的;毁坏的 29 molest v. 骚扰;使烦恼 30 soothe v. 安慰,使平静;使减轻痛苦, …


1.No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow.没人胆敢干扰他家的清静,或骚扰他神圣的忧伤避难所。

2.that you will do us no harm, just as we did not molest you but always treated you well and sent you away in peace.使你不害我们,正如我们未曾害你,一味地厚待你,并且打发你平平安安的走。

3.And no man shall have power to do any thing against them, or to molest any of them, in any cause.为一切事件,谁也无权干涉及骚扰他们中任何一人。

4.Thou shalt not molest a stranger, for you know the hearts of strangers: for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt.不可压迫外侨,因为你们在埃及国也作过外侨,明瞭在外作客的心情。

5.The secret popce dared not molest Mr. Zuo, they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao.他们不敢得罪左先生,而得吓吓就吓吓曹先生。

6.Mr Samleang says some countries are trying harder than others to stop their nationals going abroad to molest children.Samleang先生说有些国家正在努力阻止其国民去国外猥亵儿童,而另一些国家则作的不够。

7.Some countries now have laws to prosecute nationals who molest children abroad and to curb paedophiles' foreign travel.一些国家在指控本国那些对海外儿童进行猥亵的国民已经有法可依,并且可以控制恋童癖者国外旅行。

8.Crimes were swept under the rectory rug, and molesters were protected to molest again for the "good of the universal church. "罪行被宗教的外衣遮避了,而性骚扰者则被包庇乃至再次犯罪,只因为“普世教会的好处”。

9.Mr Neil travelled Asia as a language teacher while seeking boys to molest. .Neil以语言教师身份在亚洲各国游历,寻找男童进行猥亵。

10.People to molest, but I don't think so, see a group of such images.有人对此幸灾乐祸,但我不这样认为,请看这样一组图片。