


美式发音: ['ɪntɪfeɪdə] 英式发音: ['ɪntɪfeɪdə]



n.1.the Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that started in 1987 in protest against the continued Israeli occupation

1.起义 disaffected (对政府);愤愤不平的 intifada 起义,暴动 prejudice 偏见 ...

3.抗暴行动 ... Insurgents( 叛乱者) - T Intifada起义份子) - T Jungle Marxist( 马克思主义者…



1.The spectre of a return to widespread Palestinian suicide-bombings and a third intifada looms. That would be a disaster.忧虑大规模巴勒斯坦炸弹自杀袭击的回归,第三次对抗有升级趋势,那将是一场灾难。

2.However, the public has no appetite for a public-sector intifada.然而,大众对于公共部门的“举动”并不感兴趣。

3.But by then a new intifada had caught fire, Arafat could not bring himself to answer with a clear yes and the moment passed.但是这时一场新的暴动已经发生,阿拉法特没有能够使自己做出肯定的回答,而且时机已经过去。

4.The repeated fighting in Jerusalem has raised concerns over the possible outbreak of a third intifada, or popular Palestinian uprising.耶路撒冷周而复始的战斗让人们开始担心第三次“intifada(意为巴勒斯坦民众起义)”可能爆发。

5.When the Israeli soldiers arrived during the first few weeks of the intifada, they wanted the family to leave the house altogether.当以色列大军在巴勒斯坦叛变的那几周内开到时,他们本来想叫他们家人直接离开。

6.During the Palestinian intifada (uprising) that fizzled out in 2004, Hamas sent scores of suicide-bombers to blow up Israelis.巴勒斯坦起义(1994年失败)期间,哈马斯派遣了许多自杀炸弹袭击者,炸死了很多以色列人。

7.Earlier this year, Nablus police made their first arrest for drunken-driving since the intifada.就在今年年初,纳布卢斯警方在第二次起义后,首次对酒后驾车行为进行了逮捕。

8.Glory to the martyrs of the Intifada, and Victory to the revolutionary masses of our people!荣耀归于烈士的起义,胜利属于我们革命的人民群众!

9.But it was a much darker, angrier place than he remembered -- especially as the second Palestinian Intifada roiled the streets.但这里比你记忆中的更为黑暗、糟糕——特别是第二次巴勒斯坦起义使得街头动荡不安。

10.This is a moment from the beginning of the second intifada , in 2000 , when it was still stones and Molotovs against an army .这是2000年,第二次阿克萨起义开始阶段,那时还只是用石头和燃烧瓶对抗军队。