



美式发音: [ɪɡˈzud] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzjuːd]



第三人称单数:exudes  现在分词:exuding  过去式:exuded  同义词反义词


v.radiate,give out,give off,display,show



v.1.if you exude a particular quality, people notice easily that you have a lot of it2.if a smell or liquid exudes from something, or if something exudes a smell or liquid, it comes out of it slowly

1.流溢出但假定野马包含或流溢出exudes)某种既先于解构(pre-deconstructive)又不可解构(undeconstructive)的本质,则一定 …


1.The depths of the body exudes a fragrance, blending with your family member's concerns, in the air filled the air, like a perfume rain.身体深处散发出一种香味,融合着远方家人的关切,在空中弥漫,仿佛是香水雨。

2.The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity.热带果味徜徉于齿间,以柔顺的酸度收尾,给人意欲畅饮的冲动。

3.He exudes both competence and self-contained charisma, and has been called a "rock star" by one PR executive who used to work with him.托莱达诺散发出能力与自制力的双重魅力,一位曾与他共事的公关高管把他称为“摇滚明星”。

4.Five months into his term, his centre-right coalition looks solid, and he himself exudes an air of confidence.在他五个月的任期中,他的中右翼党地位稳固,他自己也流露出十足的信心。

5.Red Ding building exudes quaint atmosphere during the day, evening charming sparkling, go to the front could be so domineering amazing!大红鼎建筑,白天散发著古朴的气息,夜晚迷人耀目,去到跟前竟是如此霸气惊人!

6.It Exudes A Deep Character Of Its Own At Once Asian And Yet Harking The Colonial.它散发着曾经特有的亚洲殖民深刻特质。

7.Barney has a great sense of humor and a calm but warm personality and he exudes creativity.巴尼非常有幽默感,性格温和热情,浑身上下充满着创新灵感。

8.But he hardly exudes goodwill, accusing Egyptians of trying to undermine Ethiopia's search for funds to build the thing.但他很难流露出十足的善意,指责埃及在试图阻扰埃塞俄比亚筹集建坝资金的努力。

9.The leader must be a radiant optimism, even when he don't know the result of an event, still exudes confidence.领导人必须是深具感染力的乐观主义者,甚至当他自己也不太确定事情会发生何种后果时,还能散发出十足的信心。

10.Known for his plain speaking style, Gates, a native Kansan, gives old-fashioned speeches about service and duty and exudes a sense of calm.盖茨,这个纯正的堪萨斯州人,延续他一贯直白的演讲风格,以一种平静的语气就服务和责任这一老套话题进行讲话。