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un.1.capital of Cádiz Province and a major port in the autonomous region of Andalusia in southwestern Spain.

1.加的斯 Casablanca, 卡萨布兰卡,摩纳哥 Cadiz,Spain 加的斯,西班牙 Malaga,Spain 马拉加,西班牙 ...


8.加底斯加纳利群岛实是非洲大陆的女儿,它离西班牙最近的港口加底斯Cadiz)也有近一千公里的海程,可是岛上的居民始终不承 …


1.The retired department store employee lived with her elderly mother for her entire life in Cadiz, in southern Spain.鲍萨达是一名退休的百货商店雇员,她一直和她年迈的母亲住在西班牙南部的加的斯。

2.The "Magic tap" (found in "Aqualand" of Cadiz, Spain), which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water.“魔塔”(位于加的斯的“阿奎尔兰”,西班牙),看起来像一个漂浮在空中的水龙头源源不断地流出水来。

3.Cadiz, Malaga , and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa , so they have Moslem influence.加的斯、马拉加和格林纳达和非洲之间隔着直布罗陀海峡,所以他们受到穆斯林的影响。

4.The reinvention of Cadiz occurs through acts of inhabiting ruptured fragments of the cities fabric.在重新设计的加的斯的行为发生的碎片破裂居住的城市结构。

5.The youngster is thought to have signed a five-year contract on Merseyside, according to the newspaper Diario de Cadiz.根据卡迪斯日报透漏,该少年被认与利物浦经签署了一项为期五年的合同。

6.Cadiz's golden age during the 18th century shaped the urban development of this city.加的斯于18世纪的黄金时代塑造了该城市的本土发展。

7.Cadiz fell to the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War .卡迪斯下降到民族主义者在西班牙内战。

8.The song explains a lot about the situation here in Cadiz, in southern Spain just north of Gibraltar.卡迪斯位于西班牙南部,紧靠直布罗陀海峡。乐师们演唱的歌曲足以说明当地的景况。

9.Nay, madame. This time I have merely come from Cadiz.不,夫人!这一次我只是从卡迪斯来。

10.Cadiz is on the windier Atlantic side of southern Spain.卡迪斯地处西班牙南部的大西洋多风面。