

triumphal arch

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n.1.a monument, usually in the form of an ornamental free-standing arch spanning a street, built to commemorate something, especially an outstanding miptary victory

1.凯旋门 Victor Hugo( 雨果) Triumphal Arch巴黎凯旋门) Eiffel Tower( 埃菲尔铁塔) ...

6.莫斯科凯旋门 主体思想塔 Tower of the Juche Idea 朝鲜凯旋门 Triumphal Arch 平壤 Pyongyang ...


1.One of the best things about riding a north-south route is that the sun bounds over the tracks in a triumphal arch.由北向南乘火车的好处之一是太阳好像总是伴随着路轨,它的行走轨迹像一道凯旋的拱门。

2.This is the triumphal arch, is one of the four buildings in Paris, also is well worth a look.这是凯旋门,是巴黎的四大建筑之一,也非常值得一看。

3.I wish I can travel to Paris one day, to see the famous Eiffel Tower and the Triumphal Arch.我希望有一天能够真正去法国巴黎,能够看见名不虚传的埃菲尔铁塔,凯旋门。

4.4 the triumphal arch is the European commemorative victory in the war of a building.4凯旋门是欧洲纪念战争胜利的一种建筑。

5.One of the new seven wonders of the world at chichen itza, the Colosseum (-), Constantine the triumphal arch.世界新七大奇迹之一-罗马竞技场(斗兽场),君士坦丁凯旋门。

6.The Triumphal Arch is in Paris.凯旋门在巴黎。

7.The Triumphal arch, at night.接着是夜晚的凯旋门。

8.Have you been to the Triumphal Arch ?你去过凯旋门吗?。

9.office building cathedral mosque the statue of pberty the triumphal arch sphinx pyramid castle写字楼大教堂清真寺自由女神像凯旋门狮身人面像金字塔城堡动物学

10.Eiffel Tower Great Wall Triumphal arch Tokyo Tower埃菲尔铁塔长城凯旋门东京铁塔