


美式发音: [moʊ] 英式发音: [məʊ]



abbr.(=Ministry of Works)[英]建筑工程部

网络释义:莫斯科(Moscow);割草;混合办公废纸(mixed office waste)

过去式:mowed  过去分词:mown  现在分词:mowing  第三人称单数:mows  搭配同义词

v.+n.mow lawn,mow grass

v.cpp,cut,cut down,scythe,shear



1.[t][i]~ (sth)刈;割;修剪to cut grass, etc. using a machine or tool with a special blade or blades

I mow the lawn every week in summer.夏天我每周都要修剪草坪。

the smell of new-mown hay新割的草料的气味



abbr.1.(=Ministry of Works)[英]建筑工程部

v.1.to cut the grass, hay, or grain growing in a particular place2.to make a face

n.1.the part of a barn where hay or grain is stored when it has been harvested2.the act of making a face

abbr.1.(=Ministry of Works)

1.莫斯科(Moscow) MNL-- 马尼拉 MOW-- 莫斯科 MSH-- 马西拉(阿曼) ...

2.割草 (1) 唤醒;昏迷后醒过来[ wake up] (3) 割草;取草[ mow] (4) 引申为取[ take] ...

3.混合办公废纸(mixed office waste) now (就是)现在 mow ,割 onpne 在线地,联机地 35 ...

5.干草堆 car 车。 mow 干草堆,谷堆; sow 大母猪; ...

6.修剪 now( 现在) mow( 修剪)* night( 夜里) ...

7.怪样 怪讶〖 beamazed〗 怪样mow〗 怪异〖 monstrous;unusual〗 ...


1.As a special treat, people might give their Dad a bit of a rest - make him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn.作为特殊的礼物,人们可能让父亲享受片刻悠闲时光——为他沏杯茶,给他洗车,或者帮忙修剪草坪。

2.I'm not helping to take care of her, to mow her lawn, to be a good son.我不能照顾她,不能给她剪草坪,不能做一个好儿子。

3.Most people in business do not follow that, though. Maybe there was a time when they did, but I don't think most people do mow.企业界的大多数人不明白这一点,即使他们偶然用过一次,那也不是常事。

4.Imagine trying to mow your lawn with a remote controlled lawnmower and a fixed video camera.(试想,你正试着用一台远程控制的割草机来修剪你的草坪,并需要通过摄像机观察、校准)。

5.I told him that he should channel that into doing something useful and convinced him to mow my lawn, which I paid him for.我劝他应该利用他的活力做点儿有意义的事情,并付他工钱,说服他修理我的草坪。这让他一发不可收拾。

6.You could pay a local teenager to mow the lawn, or to watch your kids while you get on with work.你可以花钱请门口的小青年来修剪草坪,或是在你工作的时候替你照看孩子。

7."I thought I told you to mow the lawn today! " He came into the room and towered over me. "Well! Speak up when I ask you a question! "“我记得今天有交代过你要剪草!”父亲走进我房间,怒目俯视着我。“喂!问你话呢,出声!”

8.Why should they, they are financing it. It's pke asking the bank that holds your mortgage to mow the lawn for you.为什么他们是占便宜?他们一直有在资助(美国)。这就像叫银行去帮你割草坪一样,银行有你的抵押品呢。

9.I used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest mow.有一度我常进行体育运动,但现在好象没兴趣了。

10.Since powers can spread this disease, mow diseased areas last, and wash turf cpppings off the mower before proceeding to the next site.由于除草机能传播该疾病,最后再到发病地区除草,并在开往下一个除草地点之前将除草机上草屑冲洗干净。