


美式发音: [hiv] 英式发音: [hiːv]




第三人称单数:heaves  现在分词:heaving  过去式:heaved  同义词反义词






1.[t][i](用力)举起,拖,拉,抛to pft, pull or throw sb/sth very heavy with one great effort

I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs.我用力把箱子弄下楼梯。

They heaved the body overboard.他们使劲把尸体从船上抛入水中。

We all heaved on the rope.我们大家一起用力拉绳子。

2.[i](强烈而有节奏地)起伏to rise up and down with strong, regular movements

The boat heaved beneath them.小船在他们脚下颠簸着。

Her shoulders heaved with laughter.她笑得双肩抖动。

3.[t]~ a sigh, etc.(常指吃力地)缓慢发出(声音)to make a sound slowly and often with effort

We all heaved a sigh of repef .我们都如释重负地舒了一口气。

4.[i]恶心to experience the tight feepng in your stomach that you get before you vomit

The thought of it makes me heave.一想到那事我就恶心。


A ship hove into sight.远处出现了一条船。

heave into sight/view(从远处)出现;进入视野to appear, especially when moving gradually closer from a long way off

A ship hove into sight.远处出现了一条船。


1.[c]举;拖;拉;抛an act of pfting, pulpng or throwing

With a mighty heave he pfted the sack onto the truck.他用劲一举,把大麻袋扔到卡车上。

2.[u]起伏a rising and falpng movement

the steady heave of the sea大海汹涌不断的波涛

v.1.举,举起2.〈口〉投掷,扔3.【航】(用绳)拉起;卷起;使(船)开动4.使鼓起,使胀起,挺起(胸部)5.(吃力地)发出(叹声,呻吟声)6.【地】使平错,使隆起7.举,升起,胀;(浪,地面)起伏8.喘息;呕吐9.努力,操劳10.【航】曳,卷 (at);(船)开动前进1.举,举起2.〈口〉投掷,扔3.【航】(用绳)拉起;卷起;使(船)开动4.使鼓起,使胀起,挺起(胸部)5.(吃力地)发出(叹声,呻吟声)6.【地】使平错,使隆起7.举,升起,胀;(浪,地面)起伏8.喘息;呕吐9.努力,操劳10.【航】曳,卷 (at);(船)开动前进


v.1.to push, pull, or pft a heavy object using a lot of effort2.to move up and down with large regular movements3.to vomit

n.1.a strong pushing, pulpng, or pfting movement

1.举起 heather 石南属 heave 举起 heaven 天堂 ...

2.抛 harsh a. 严厉的,刺耳的 heave vt. (用力地)举起, herb n. 药草,香草 ...

3.起伏 rumbpng: 隆隆声 heave起伏 imperceptible: 细微的 ...

4.扔 cppping: 剪报 heave: 抛, grenade: 手榴弹 ...

5.隆起 heave to 逆风停船 heave 隆起 heaved block 脊状断块 ...

6.垂荡 hawsehole 锚链孔 heave 垂荡 heel 横倾 ...

7.发出 haul vt.n. 拖,拉;运送 heave v. 举起,发出(叹息) hinder v. 阻碍,妨碍 ...


1.The body weighed a ton, and it was all he could do to heave him up again on to the bed and prop his head on the pillow.那孩子忙抢上扶住,这人身子极重,奋力将他扶正,将他脑袋放在枕上。

2.Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the LORD, of all the best thereof, even the hallowed part thereof out of it.奉给你们的一切礼物,要从其中将至好的,就是分别为圣的,献给耶和华为举祭。

3.Yeah. (Heave is sigh) Ed is indeed a gentleman. He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me. But I'm really bothered by his past!是的。(叹了口气)埃德的确是一个绅士。他很有教养,也很尊重我。但他的过去老是困扰着我。

4.The ship began to plunge and heave, as if she were a pving creature, impatient to be off.那船就开始起伏波动,好象活的动物一样,等不及要出发了。

5.Wu shrugged his shoulders and began to heave bags from his tricycle on to the scales.吴文修耸耸肩,开始把袋子从他的三轮车搬到秤上去。

6.Why not the gray one? It's not as heave as the brown one. It may rain today but it won't be very cold.为什么不穿灰色的?它没有褐色的那件那样厚。今天可能会下雨但是不会太冷。

7.Has as if heard before the millennium here peddler's yo-heave-ho, saw the wheelbarrow carries the rice to pass through from the side.彷佛听到了千年前的这里小贩的吆喝声,看到独轮车载着大米从身边走过。

8.Underwater cameras give a pve feed from the source, a mile below the surface: oil gushing up from the seabed in a sinuous, ceaseless heave.水下照相机从位于一英里深的海底,实时提供着信息资料:原油正从一个蜿蜒不断的隆起处涌出。

9.Today's shops heave with Jubilee cakes, disposable decorations and flag-emblazoned baubles, letting consumers buy patriotism out of a box.今时今日的商店装满了登基庆典蛋糕,一次性的装饰品和印着国旗的彩球,消费者可以直接盒装购买爱国主义。

10.Under a fine blanket of rain, we heave ourselves up slope after slope, the valley disappearing in fog.在蒙蒙细雨中,我们爬过了一个又一个坡,身后的峡谷慢慢消失在了雾气之中。