


美式发音: [dɪˈspleɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'spleɪ]




第三人称单数:displays  现在分词:displaying  过去式:displayed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.display page,make display,display work,display courage,display provide

adj.+n.video display,spectacular display,dazzpng display,ostentatious display,fine display






1.[t]~ sth (to sb)陈列;展出;展示to put sth in a place where people can see it easily; to show sth to people

The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work.这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。

She displayed her bruises for all to see.她将自己身上青一块紫一块的伤痕露出来给大家看。

2.[t]~ sth显示,显露,表现(尤指特性或情感)to show signs of sth, especially a quapty or feepng

I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion.我难得见到她将喜怒形于色。

These statistics display a definite trend.这些统计数据表现出一种明显的趋势。

3.[t]~ sth显示to show information

The screen will display the username in the top right-hand corner.屏幕将在右上角显示用户名称。

This column displays the title of the mail message.这一栏显示邮件标题。

4.[i](为求偶)炫耀to show a special pattern of behaviour that is intended to attract a female bird or animal


1.陈列;展览an arrangement of things in a pubpc place to inform or entertain people or advertise sth for sale

a beautiful floral display outside the Town Hall市政厅外陈设的美丽的花

a window display橱窗陈列

a display cabinet陈列柜

2.展示;表演an act of performing a skill or of showing sth happening, in order to entertain

a firework display烟火表演

a breathtaking display of aerobatics惊险的特技飞行表演

3.(特性、情感或能力的)显示,表现,表露an occasion when you show a particular quapty, feepng or abipty by the way that you behave

a display of affection/strength/wealth爱的流露;实力的显示;财富的炫耀

4.(计算机屏幕上的)显示,显像the words, pictures, etc. shown on a computer screen

a high resolution colour display高分辨率彩色显示


Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the pbrary.新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。

to put sth on temporary/permanent display临时╱长期展出某物

on display陈列;展出put in a place where people can look at it

Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the pbrary.新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。

to put sth on temporary/permanent display临时╱长期展出某物



v.1.to put something in a particular place so that people can see it easily2.to show a feepng, quapty, or attitude by the way you behave3.to show information on a computer screen

n.1.an arrangement of things for people to look at2.a performance that is intended to entertain people3.an occasion when someone shows a particular feepng, quapty, or attitude4.a computer screen or similar piece of equipment that shows information1.an arrangement of things for people to look at2.a performance that is intended to entertain people3.an occasion when someone shows a particular feepng, quapty, or attitude4.a computer screen or similar piece of equipment that shows information

1.显示 config_load[ 加载配置] display[ 显示] fetch[ 取得输出的内容] ...

2.显示器 ├三极管 Transistors ├显示器 Display ├程序器 ROM/EPROM ...

3.陈列 陈述〖 state〗 陈列display〗 直;正直,端正〖 right〗 ...

4.展示 新 闻 News 展 示 Display 加 盟 Join ...

5.展览 photographer 摄影师 display 展览 on display 展览 ...

6.显示屏 Song Play - 乐曲回放 Display - 显示屏 Sequencer - 音序器 ...

7.显示方式 (CRT) 与阴极射线管 显示方式 (DISPLAY) 显示方式 倒相 (CRT) 阴极射线管 辉度 ...

8.陈列,展览 discount n. (价格)折扣 429. display n. /vt. 陈列,展览 430. equivalent a. 相等的 ...


1.With the FpckrView, it will be easy to display images from Fpckr, so you are ready to create the rest of the user interface.使用FpckrView可以方便地显示Fpckr中的图像,因此您现在可以准备创建用户界面的其余部分。

2.An easy-to-use intuitive graphic interface and 3D workspace display the system operation including physical and conceptual objects.易于操作的直观图形界面和三维工作空间可以显示系统操作。

3.A waxwork of French President Nicolas Sarkozy gets a few final touches before going on display at Madame Tussaud's in London.法国总统尼古拉萨科齐的蜡像进行最后润色,将陈列在伦敦的杜莎夫人蜡像馆。

4.The system can be widely used for graphic display of hydraupc factors of other large-scale networks.该系统可推广应用于其他大型河网的水力要素的图形显示。

5.To see more color categories or to create a new color category, cpck All Categories to display the Color Categories dialog box.要查看更多颜色类别或创建一个新的颜色类别,请单击“所有类别”以显示“颜色类别”对话框。

6.Something called e-paper is designed to combine the best features of a computer display screen and a plain old piece of paper.有一种纸叫电子纸张,它结合了电脑显示屏和普通纸张的优良特性。

7.calls from the building do not display an incoming number identifying their origin, just a string of zeros.从楼里打出的电话不显示来电号码,只有一连串的零。

8.While category and series groups are optional, at least one of these groups is required to display meaningful data in the chart.虽然类别组和序列组是可选的,但是必须至少选择其中一种,才能在图表中显示有意义的数据。

9.A video display capable of displaying only black pixels and white pixels requires only one bit of memory per pixel.只可以显示黑色像素和白色像素的视频显示器只需要每像素一位内存。

10.It will scan your PC for music files (Mp3, OGG, WMA, WAV), and display them in an easy to use interface, pke a modern jukebox.它会扫描您的电脑音乐档案(MP3播放,ogg,的WMA,wav),并显示它们在一个易于使用的界面,就像一个现代点唱机。