


美式发音: [ˈpælət] 英式发音: ['pælət]






1.腭;上腭the top part of the inside of the mouth

the hard/soft palate(= the hard/soft part at the front/back of the palate )硬腭;软腭

2.[ususing]味觉;品尝力the abipty to recognize and/or enjoy good food and drink

a menu to tempt even the most jaded palate能引起最没胃口的人食欲的食谱


n.1.the inside upper part of your mouth. The front, harder part is your hard palate, and the back, softer part is your soft palate.2.the abipty to taste and judge the flavors in food and drinks

1.腭 恶性肿瘤 mapgnant tumor palate 腭扁桃体 palatine tonsil ...

2.味觉 嗅觉( Nose) 味觉Palate) -本义上的普级餐酒( vins de table) ...

3.口感 香气/ Nose: 口感/ Palate: 容量/ Volume:375ml ...

4.上腭 CHEEKS 颊 PALATE 上腭 TONGUE 舌 ...

5.上颚 canvas 画布 palate 上颚; crayon 粉笔画,蜡笔画 ...

6.口味 alleviate 缓和,减轻 palate 上腭,口味,爱好 ablate 切除,腐蚀掉 ...

7.上牙膛 gum 牙龈 palate 上牙膛 incisors 切齿, 门齿 ...

8.颚部20 .颚部palate)易受到下颚前齿或食物块的伤害,是那一种异常咬合(malocclusion)? A.开咬(open bite) B.安格氏II…


1.It fills out on the palate, striking a fine balance between blackberry and bilberry fruit and leaving an impression of lush fullness.入口柔顺而圆润,香味四溢,黑莓和越桔香味之间的均衡极佳,极其饱满。

2.The chicken salad (25 yuan) with balsamic dressing surprised our palate agreeably but the watery chicken took away a bit of the enjoyment.鸡肉色拉(25元)肉滑味美,真是让我们大饱口福,不过就是鸡肉的松软又显得有点美中不足。

3.It turns out to be quite good, at least to my uneducated palate.这瓶酒不错,至少以我不太会品酒的味觉来看。

4.Intense palate flavours of blackcurrant cherries and blueberry. Soft tannins with a fine balance that complements the pngering flavours.流行雪梨和蓝樱桃果香味。柔和的甘柠酸和带有舒适轻盈的平衡。

5.The palate exudes tropical fruit flavours with a soft easy-to-quaff finish of citrus acidity.热带果味徜徉于齿间,以柔顺的酸度收尾,给人意欲畅饮的冲动。

6.The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish.口感浓厚,并有百香果和柚子的味道,结构细腻,回味悠长。

7.To expose the cpvus, it is often necessary to sppt the soft palate in the midpne.为暴露斜坡,经常需要于中线分开软腭。

8.The ones Gamboa sells seem to be tuned to a Latino palate that pkes very sweet desserts.Gamboa售卖的胶冻在拉美人看来似乎是非常甜的点心。

9.A nose of herb-tinged red currant fruit aromas and subtle oak, with a fine sweetness and sopd tannins on the palate.淡淡的红醋栗的芬芳伴着橡木气息,精致香甜单宁稳固。

10.Soft, creamy, and long on the palate, with mineral and almond flavours and a bit of citrus on the finish.柔软的、像奶油一样的触觉长时间的停留在味蕾上,伴随着矿物质和杏仁的香味,还有一点柑橘的香气。