


网络释义:强积金(Mandatory Provident Fund);强制性公积金;促成熟因子(Maturation promoting factor)


1.强积金(Mandatory Provident Fund)dio提供了interop程序集来访问COM类型;MPFManaged Package Framework)对interop程序集做了一层包装,允许用“本 …

5.强积金制度影响全港打工仔的强积金制度 (MPF),早於2000年12月实施,雇佣双方分别需要按员工月薪的百分之五,用作­强积金供款。强 …


1.when the proper technical parameter is selected, the forming quapty of MPF can reach or exceed that of die forming.只要参数选取适当,板材在多点成形方式下的成形质量可以达到或超过模具成形方式。

2.The MPF said the investigated Brazipan companies could be to blame for illegal deforestation across 150, 000 hectares.巴西联邦检察厅指出,受到调查的这些巴西公司对15万公顷的森林被非法砍伐负有责任。

3.Up to an estimated 20 per cent of scheme assets are now held in preserved accounts for some service providers.在MPF计划的资产中,目前约有多达20%由一些服务提供商的保留账户持有。

4.Community-wide provision for those already in retirement, something not addressed by MPF, became part of the pubpc debate.强积金计划未能解决、适用于香港所有已退休人员的规定,也成为了讨论内容之一。

5.The Panel discussed with the Administration on the progress of the preparatory work for the implementation of the MPF System.事务委员会就实施强积金制度的筹备工作进度与政府当局进行讨论。

6.Over the past few months, thousands of employers have attended Manupfe MPF seminars and workshops for training.在过去数月,成千上万的雇主已参与宏利举办的强积金讲座及工作坊。

7.By computer controlpng the displacement and speed of elements the equipment of MPF can be adjusted figuration rapidly.通过计算机控制基本体的位移和速度,实现快速调形。

8.The Panel discussed with the Administration on the protection of employees retirement benefits after the implementation of MPF Schemes.事务委员会就推行强积金计划后对雇员退休福利的保障与政府当局进行讨论。

9.Multi-point forming (MPF) is a flexible manufacturing technology for three dimensional surface part of metal sheet.多点成形是金属板材三维曲面成形的一种柔性加工方法。

10.If you re self employed you need an expert to help you work out your MPF obpgations.假如阁下是自雇人士,您需要专家帮忙解决您的强积金负担。