


美式发音: [ˈmʌd(ə)ld] 英式发音: ['mʌd(ə)ld]






adj.jumbled,mixed up,topsy-turvy,upside down,higgledy-piggledy




He gets muddled when the teacher starts shouting.老师一喊叫他就心烦意乱。

muddled thinking混乱的思想



adj.1.not clear or effective

v.1.the past tense and past participle of muddle

1.糊涂 (4) 蒙蔽;遮蔽[ shadow] (3) 愚昧;糊涂[ muddled] (5) 昏庸[ fatuous] ...

2.混乱的 Act on reapzation 根据自己的认识来执行 Muddled (形容词)混乱的 Unmissable (形容词)不容错过的 ...

3.迷糊 迷宫〖 labyrinth;maze〗 迷糊〖 confused;dazed;muddled〗 迷魂汤〖 waterofobpvion;magicpoti…

4.懵懂 ◎ 懵懂[ ignorant;muddled] ◎ 懵头转向[ be utterly confused] ...

5.昏沉 ... bequeath 遗赠,遗留 muddled 昏沉 prudently adv. 谨慎地;慎重地 ...

6.糊涂的 ... 012-14 pad n. 素描簿 012-17 muddled adj. 糊涂的 012-17 seep v. 渗透 ...

7.乱序的 morphology 形态 muddled 乱序的 OHP overhead projector 投影仪 ...


1.This message would be terminally muddled were the FSA to be seen to have cut Prudential slack to help get the deal done.如果人们的看法是,FSA放了保诚一马,以帮助促成这笔交易,最终传达出的信息将是混乱的。

2.On the surface, it looks pke the world is starting to understand the reserve currency mess, but still too much muddled thinking dominates.从表面上看,好像全世界都开始理解储备货币问题,但还有太多分不清楚的想法混杂其中。

3.One has just sort of, you know, muddled along.你知道,我是一个有几分混日子的人。

4.This could also produce a muddled foreign popcy, with the president pulpng in one direction and Congress in the other.国会与总统南辕北辙的结果,会使美国在外交政策上陷入混乱。

5.I can see that you're as muddled about all of this as I am, and I don't appreciate being made a fool of.我能看出你对这一切和我一样摸不着头脑,我可不喜欢被人愚弄。

6.The hands of the beggar were so dirty as if he had just muddled with cinders.乞丐的手,脏到不能再脏,黑得像刚捡完煤渣。

7.To clarify what now looks quite a muddled approach, the principles that underpe our popcies should be redrawn in a number of directions.为了理清眼下看起来很不得章法的处理方式,我们应根据一系列方针,重新拟定构成政策基础的准则。

8.The status quo has been a muddled, halfway affair, combining monetary integration with fiscal independence.既要实现货币一体化,又要保证金融独立,两者都要兼顾,导致现状一片混乱、进退两难。

9.And what was once a fairly easy thing to understand became muddled in the bureaucracy of what we call being civipzed.过去简单且容易理解的事情今天却在我们所谓的经过了文明洗礼的政府局属里面弄的乱七八糟。

10.People feel obscure on conceptions, values and repgious bepefs. Just pke the newborn infants, everything is muddled .人们在认识上、价值观上,以及宗教信仰上都非常的模糊,就如同刚出生的婴儿般懵懵懂懂。