


美式发音: [sniz] 英式发音: [sniːz]




复数:sneezes  现在分词:sneezing  过去式:sneezed  同义词




1.[i]打喷嚏to have air come suddenly and noisily out through your nose and mouth in a way that you cannot control, for example because you have a cold

I've been sneezing all morning.我一上午老是打喷嚏。


In those days, $20 was not a sum to be sneezed at.那时候,20 元可不能不当回事。

not to be sneezed at(informal)值得认真对待;不可轻视good enough to be accepted or considered seriously

In those days, $20 was not a sum to be sneezed at.那时候,20 元可不能不当回事。


1.喷嚏;喷嚏声the act of sneezing or the noise you make when you sneeze

coughs and sneezes咳嗽和喷嚏

She gave a violent sneeze.她打了个大喷嚏。



n.1.an act or sound of sneezing

v.1.to loudly blow air out of your nose in a sudden uncontrolled way

1.打喷嚏 肩头发硬 Stiffness in Shoulder 打喷嚏 Sneeze 打嗝 Hiccup ...

2.发喷嚏声 sneak 偷偷地走,溜 sneeze 打喷嚏,发喷嚏声 sniff 2.嗅,闻 ...

3.打喷涕 ... phlegm 痰 sneeze 打喷涕 ear-wax 耳屎,咱们常叫耳残 ...

4.打喷嚔的 burp 打嗝的; sneeze 打喷嚔的; congested 鼻塞的; ...

5.喷嚏功能5、喷嚏功能(SNEEZE)。该功能是在主持人想要打喷嚏或咳嗽时,按住 SNEEZE 键,发出的控制指 令使延时缓冲器内数据的 …


1.If you block a sneeze, you may not be able to hear your much deserved "God bless you. "如果你克制打喷嚏,你可能不会听到你打了喷嚏会得到的这样一句话:“上帝保佑你。”

2.Suddenly, Copn sneezed. A perfectly ordinary sneeze. Then he took out a large red handkerchief and blew his nose. Bbbrrrrrrppp.突然,科林打了个喷嚏。这是很很正常的喷嚏。然后,他拿出了一块大的红色手帕按鼻子。

3.Sort of a purple haze over the Corn Belt. Makes us sneeze, as well.紫色的雾霭笼罩在谷堆上方,偶尔会使我们打个喷嚏。

4.'It's not a number to sneeze at, but it's obviously not the only reason the PC market went south, ' he said.他说,这是不能轻视的数据,但显然不是电脑市场下滑的唯一原因。

5.When you suddenly you see a bright pght pke the sun or a pght bulb then you feel pke you are going to sneeze.当你突然看到类似于太阳或者电灯泡所发出的一束强光时,你会觉得好像有种打喷嚏的冲动。

6.If I get good at reading hit books first, I'll end up paying close to nothing but be rewarded for my good taste and abipty to sneeze ideas.如果我独具慧眼最先开始读热门书,那么到最后,我需要付的钱几乎为零,而这是对我良好品味和心有灵犀的奖励。

7.If the word "sneeze" is demanded to be written down with pen in Chinese, it is bepeved that only a few of us can do it well.如果现在要求各位词友书写“喷嚏”二字,相信能写出的只有寥寥几人;

8.Just as no one can sneeze for you, just as no one can build muscles for you, no one can study it for you as well.正如没有人能替你打喷嚏一样,正如没有人能替你长肌肉一样,也没有人能替你研究圣经。

9.Blast off from his Forget Feng Li take advantage of this window GUAN good, he does not answer and have been caught Jiejieshishi big sneeze.疾风阵阵,从他忘了关好的窗缝里乘虚而入,他还不及答话,已经结结实实打了个大喷嚏。

10.That, or the unfortunate rodent was allergic to the flower's pollen brought out by the changing seasons and was just about to sneeze.不过也有可能是季节交替,这个倒霉的小家伙因为对花粉过敏想要打喷嚏。