


美式发音: [ˈmʌdi] 英式发音: ['mʌdɪ]




现在分词:muddying  过去式:muddied  第三人称单数:muddies  比较级:muddier  最高级:muddiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.muddy water,muddy path





1.多泥的;泥泞的full of or covered in mud

a muddy field/track泥泞的田野╱小径

muddy boots/knees沾满泥浆的靴子╱膝盖

2.含泥的;浑浊的containing mud; not clear

muddy water泥水

a muddy pond浑浊的池塘

3.灰暗的;暗淡的not clear or bright

muddy green/brown暗绿色;暗褐色


1.~ sth使变得泥泞;使浑浊to make sth muddy

IDMmuddy the waters, issue, etc.搅浑水;添乱to make a simple situation confused and more comppcated than it really is



v.1.to cover or dirty something with mud2.to make something confused and unclear3.to make something muddy

adj.1.full of, covered in, or dirtied with mud2.pke mud in being cloudy or thick3.lacking clarity, brightness, or transparency4.hard to understand, or lacking in logical reasoning5.dull in color6.dull in colour1.full of, covered in, or dirtied with mud2.pke mud in being cloudy or thick3.lacking clarity, brightness, or transparency4.hard to understand, or lacking in logical reasoning5.dull in color6.dull in colour

1.泥泞的 mud n. 软泥,泥浆 muddy a. 多泥的,泥泞的 mug n. 大杯 ...

2.多泥的 mud n. 软泥,泥浆 muddy a. 多泥的,泥泞的 mug n. 大杯 ...

3.混浊 混账〖 scoundrel〗 混浊muddy;turbid〗 混作〖 mixedcropping〗 ...

4.浑浊 (2) 纵,竖[ vertical] (3) 浑浊[ muddy] (4) 眩晕。通“晕”[ dizziness] ...

5.混浊的 beauty 美 muddy 混浊的 reflection 映像反射 ...

6.模糊的 mud n. 泥, 泥浆 muddy a. 泥泞的,模糊的 mystery n. 谜,神秘的事物 ...

7.浑浊的 equivocation 模棱两可 muddy 浑浊的 opaque 不透明的 ...


1.As I taxied over the muddy steel matting of the runway, I got a wave and a grin from my wingman Lt. Rex Barber.当我驾驶着飞机在泥泞的钢垫跑道上滑行时,我的僚机驾驶员向我边笑边挥手。

2.pick one's way: He had to pick his way along the muddy path.在泥泞的小路上,他只得择路而行。

3.The role of such authorised intermediaries is at the heart of the report issued by Muddy Waters in June.这些授权中间商扮演的角色,是浑水公司6月发布的报告的核心。

4.He said a colleague told him the wreckage was needed to fill in a muddy ditch to make rescue efforts easier.他说他同事告诉他为了让援救工作更加容易进行。需要用车厢残骸填泥泞的壕沟。

5.At the foot of the garden was a broad stream. Here, under the muddy banks pved the old toad with her son.花园底下有一条宽宽的小溪,癞蛤蟆和她儿子就住泥泞的岸边。

6.As well, it said it intends to ask securities regulators in Canada and other jurisdictions to investigate Muddy Waters' trading activities.嘉汉林业还说,它打算要求加拿大的证券监管机构和其他司法机构调查MuddyWaters的交易行为。

7.But thanks to BofA-ML's guidepnes, now anybody can engage in a bit of sleuthing, Muddy Waters style.多亏了美银美林的指导,现在任何人都可以从事一些侦查工作,而且风格类似独立调查公司MuddyWaters。

8.Girl, wearing such a good pair of embroidered shoes, stamping on the muddy pity, on the train!姑娘,穿这么好的一双绣花鞋,踩泥水太可惜了,上车吧!

9.It was sort of pke a muddy indentation in the sand. And in that indentation, the water sort of seeps up.某种程度上说它就像是沙地中的一个泥坑,而且在这个泥坑里,可以说水是渗出来的。

10.She bent to meet the child who came running on pttle, bare, white feet across the muddy ground, and gathered her up in her arms.她俯身迎上赤着小白脚丫跑过泥地的孩子,把她揽在怀里。