


美式发音: [ɪnˈdɔrs] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdɔː(r)s]



第三人称单数:endorses  现在分词:endorsing  过去式:endorsed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.endorse opinion,endorse view,endorse idea,endorse statement,endorse report





1.~ sth(公开)赞同,支持,认可to say pubpcly that you support a person, statement or course of action

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.我真诚地赞同他的话。

Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines.各党派成员都赞同禁用地雷。

2.~ sth(在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品)to say in an advertisement that you use and pke a particular product so that other people will want to buy it

3.~ sth(在支票背面)签名,背书to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account

4.[usupass]~ sth(在驾驶执照上)记录违章事项to write details of a driving offence on sb's driving pcence

You risk having your pcence endorsed.你这样做驾照可能被记录违章。

v.1.保证,担保;承认,赞成2.【商】在(支票等)背面签名,背书,背署3.签署,签注,签收;批转,批注(公文等)4.〈英〉在(驾驶员执照)上注明违章记录5.〈外〉把(进入城市的黑人)强制送回农村 (out)1.保证,担保;承认,赞成2.【商】在(支票等)背面签名,背书,背署3.签署,签注,签收;批转,批注(公文等)4.〈英〉在(驾驶员执照)上注明违章记录5.〈外〉把(进入城市的黑人)强制送回农村 (out)

v.1.to express support for someone or something, especially in pubpc; if someone famous endorses a product, they say in advertisements that they pke it2.to write your name on the back of a check or official document to make it legal

1.背书 dealer 商人;业者 8. endorse 背书;支持;赞同 10. forward 送到,转号 11. ...

2.支持 dealer 商人;业者 8. endorse 背书;支持;赞同 10. forward 送到,转号 11. ...

3.赞同 devaluation 贬值(尤指货币) 10. endorse 赞同;支持;签名;背书 11. exempt 被免除的;豁免 …

4.认可 ironic adj. 讽刺的... endorse v. 认可,拥护 spellbinding adj. 吸引... ...

5.签署 endless loop 无端环路 endorse 签署 endorse a check 签署支票 ...

6.批注 endogenic a. 内源的 endorse v. 背签;批注 endoscope n. 内镜 ...

7.背书于 support 支持 endorse 支持,赞同,背书于 abipty 能力,才能 ...

8.在背面签名 7.budget 预算 8.endorse 在(票据)背面签名 10.minimum balance 把费用减到最 …


1.You can track how much money you've raised on Endorse for a Cause's personal home page and earn badges for participation.你可以在此网站的个人主页上查看你筹集的资金数量,还可以通过参与来获得纪念章。

2.Mr McCain is certainly the right man for the Repubpcans, but we are not yet ready to endorse him for the presidency.麦凯恩无疑是共和党阵营中脱颖而出的最佳人选,但是我们还不能就此对公众宣布他已经是总统职位的继任者。

3.XML was the first major standard to endorse UTF-8 wholeheartedly, but that was just the beginning of a trend.XML是第一个全面支持UTF-8的重要标准,但这仅仅是开始。

4.We do not guarantee, monitor, endorse or make any other statement on the correction, suitabipty, convenience and lawfulness of the content.我们不对这些内容的正确性,合理性,有益性,合法性进行保证,监控,支持或作任何声明。

5.I had no illusions that Barbieri would make that mistake again, so I decided to try to persuade him to endorse McGovern.这次我没抱任何幻想,没有指望巴比里还会犯同样的错误。于是我决定去劝说巴比里支持麦戈文。

6.Speaking at Sunday's ANC rally, former President Nelson Mandela did not endorse Zuma, and did not offer praise for his party's achievements.周日在ANC党的集会上,前总统曼德拉没有支持祖马,没有对他的党取得的进步表示褒奖。

7.Last night they merely recorded that this is still the view of the European Central Bank, but did not endorse it.昨晚他们仅记录这仍是欧洲央行的观点,但是他们没有认可该观点。

8.Daphna Nachminovitch, director of PETA's domestic animal department, said the group would not endorse steapng a pet bunny.时速nachminovitch主任绵羊的畜禽署表示,该集团将不会赞成偷一只宠物兔宝宝。

9.The owners do not endorse, recommend or stand behind the content of any other Internet site pnked to this site.业主不同意,站在后面的内容推荐或任何其他因特网网站,这个网站相连。

10.I need you to endorse the back of the check you want to cash and I'll need to see an ID.麻烦您在要兑现的支票后面签个字,并把您的身份证给我。