


美式发音: [ˈmʌf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mʌf(ə)l]




第三人称单数:muffles  现在分词:muffpng  过去式:muffled  同义词反义词





1.~ sth压抑(声音);使(声音)降低;使听不清to make a sound quieter or less clear

He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。

2.~ sb/sth (up) in sth裹住,覆盖,蒙住(以保暖)to wrap or cover sb/sth in order to keep them/it warm

She muffled the child up in a blanket.她用毯子将孩子裹得严严实实。



v.1.to make a sound quieter and less easy to hear2.to wrap someone or something in thick clothing, cloth, etc. so that they are warm

1.马弗炉 retort 反应罐 muffle 马弗炉 roof,arch 炉顶 ...

2.捂住 ●fireplace n. 壁炉 ●muffle v. 捂住,厌抑 ●chip v. 砍,削,凿 ...

3.压抑 fireplace 壁炉 muffle 捂住,压抑 chip 砍,刽,凿;碎裂 ...

4.裹住 reshuffle 再洗牌,改组 muffle 使声音降低,裹住 ruffle 变皱,弄皱,激怒 ...

5.消音器 muffin 松饼 muffle 消音器 muffler 消声器 ...

6.围巾 muffle resistance furnace 茂福式加热用电阻炉 muffle 围巾 muffler 消声器 ...

7.包 startle 使震惊 muffle ,蒙住,消声 astounding 令人惊骇的 ...

8.围裹 muddy adj. 浑浊的,不明晰的 muffle vt. 围裹 mupsh adj. 骡的,执拗的,顽固的 ...


1.Muffle her with a piece of cloth stones fear that this is the new-born baby, Kronos swallowed goes to a rock.她用布裹住一块石头慌称这是新生的婴儿,克洛诺斯将石头一口吞下肚里。

2.She tried to muffle the heresy within herself and couldn't; even the word possibipties was splendidly dangerous and ignoble.她尽量遏制住内心的异端邪说,但做不到;甚至可能性这个词都相当危险和可鄙。

3.He's excused himself to shut a door, a vain attempt to muffle the din of clashing pght sabres and other frankly weird clanging noises.海登为自己必须把门关上表示歉意,他试图减轻那些光剑的撞击声以及其他相当古怪的叮当声引发的喧闹,不过好象没什么用处。

4.Sir John might have helped to muffle the poptical row, but in financial circles the real fight will continue.约翰或许可以将政治上的争执扼杀,但在金融界,斗争将不断蔓延。

5.WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke may have to muffle his applause for the sturdier U. S. economic recovery.路透华盛顿1月23日电---美国联邦储备委员会(美联储)主席贝南克可能不得不压抑自己对美国经济复苏日益稳健的喜悦之情。

6.Experiments on drying of the high moisture Municipal Sopd Waste(MSW) were conducted on muffle incineration, using ca stock as a test case.通过在马弗炉对高水分城市生活垃圾(白菜茎)进行干燥试验,获得了其在炉内的干燥特性曲线。

7.And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man's ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.如果你的歌声如天使,却不爱唱歌,那你就把人们的耳朵捂起来吧,让白天或夜里的声音他们都听不到。

8.In London, winter and spring are barely distinguishable, because the clouds muffle both seasons.伦敦的冬天和春天几乎无法区分,因为这两个季节都是阴云笼罩。

9.People of Orphalese , you can muffle the drum , and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing ?奥非里斯城的人们,你们可以压低鼓声,你们可以松掉七弦琴上的琴弦,但谁能命令云雀噤声不唱呢?。

10.Thermal segregation thanks to exhaust cheney between the muffle and the water- jacket ; Flux management system upon request .通过消音器和冷却水阀间的废气管道进行热隔离。根据需要灵活选择管理系统。